EVS Sustainability Report 2023

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EVS Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability report

About this report

Report published in April 2024

Contact Serge Van Herck, CEO EVS Broadcast Equipment SA corpcom@evs.com

About this report

Report published in April 2024

The 2023 Sustainability Report of EVS Broadcast Equipment is a comprehensive overview of our efforts towards sustainability in the fiscal year 20231 Our sustainability reporting period is aligned with our financial reporting period.. This annual report covers all our entities worldwide.

2023 was an important year for our sustainability strategy. In preparation for the upcoming CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive), we updated our materiality exercise, refined our ESG pillars and established targets for each of them. This report showcases these major changes, which are the result of the hard work of the ESG Core Team. Together with the Leadership Team and our Board of Directors, we are committed to ensuring the long-term financial success and sustainability of our company.

We are proud of our commitment to sustainability and are eager to continue our efforts towards a brighter future. In 2024, we will focus on the implementation of our action plan to reach our 2030 targets.

This report constitutes the declaration of our non-financial statement in accordance with Art. 3:6 and 3:32 of the Belgian Companies and Associations Code, and following the Global Reporting Initiative Standards Framework covering the period Jan 1st, 2023 to Dec 31st, 2023.

Serge Van Herck, CEO

At EVS we are proud of the impact we have with our products and solutions on the world. We are proud to say that our EVS live production solutions create emotions and lasting memories for billions of people all over the world, every day on any type of screen.

At the forefront of our market, we understand the responsibility that comes with leadership – the duty to bring about this impact in a sustainable manner. Our Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) program has been instrumental in amplifying our focus on the environmental and societal facets intertwined with our business.

I am delighted to share with you that we have defined and validated our bold ambitions for 2030, setting a clear path for the decade ahead and laying the basis of an ambitious 2030 strategy. In addition to the numerous initiatives we have already carried out over the years to realize a positive impact, we now have a clear action plan to build a future we want our children to live in.

We want to be a trusted partner, not only for our live broadcast expertise and excellence, but also for our sustainable journey.

Under the banner of “Solidify Profitable and Sustainable Growth!”—our guiding strategy map for 2024—we emphasize the fusion of profitability with sustainability and make it clear to all our team members. This reflects our commitment to a proactive approach towards sustainability, ensuring a long-term dedication that resonates not only with us but also with our stakeholders.

The positive rating from external stakeholders, as well as the fact that we were honored with the Corporate Star Award in the Best ESG Leader Category during the International Broadcast Convention in Amsterdam, stand as a testament to our efforts and reflect outside approval of our commitment to excellence and sustainability.

Throughout this report you will find tangible evidence of our initiatives aimed at creating a positive impact on the world. Our mission extends beyond delivering live broadcast technology and expertise; we aspire to be a trusted partner on our sustainable journey.

We are also proud to announce that our dedication to our greatest asset – our team members – has once again been recognized. In addition to being recertified as a Top Employer for 2024, we are thrilled to share that EVS has been nominated in 2023 for the HR Excellence Awards in the category 'Best Employer Organization' and won the award 'Best ESG-Driven Organization'. In the communities we live in, we continue to support education, sport, and culture through various social actions.

We are a Customer Intimacy company, it’s in our DNA. Being customer-oriented is what helps us further strengthen our leadership reputation and realize our growth ambitions. We help our customers and EVS operators to produce the most demanding live content by providing them with the most performing and most reliable live television production tools. We provide the highest quality products, solutions, and services with the reassurance that we can adapt to rapid changes in our industry and our society in general. Agility, innovation, and our focus on ‘customer success’ is what helped us to sustain our growth momentum and realize new record revenue results in 2023. We trust this will also help us address the social and environmental challenges we all face.

Looking ahead, we reaffirm our commitment to investing in the future by supporting young talents, environmental initiatives, and our broader community.

Sustainability is not what we should do. Sustainability is what we need to be.

I invite you to read this sustainability report and thereby understand our vision.

Marine Simonis,

Belgian Freediving Champion and EVS’ ESG Ambassador

Since embarking on my journey with EVS as a sponsored freediving athlete in 2022, I have been honored to serve as the company’s ESG ambassador, entrusted with the task of championing their sustainability initiatives.

It’s a privilege for me to work with a company that shares my values, and I deeply appreciate EVS’ dedication not only to reducing its environmental footprint but also to advancing broader ESG objectives, addressing societal and corporate concerns. Being an ESG ambassador at EVS gives me a platform to discuss topics close to my heart, from advocating environmental protection, to encouraging girls’ and women’s participation in sports. I have also had the opportunity to share my insights on stress management (taken from my experiences in high-risk freediving situations) during EVS’ annual R&D conference. Speaking in front of an audience of 200 people was definitely a good way to put the tips into practice!

Looking ahead, I am eager to nurture this partnership and collaborate with EVS’ passionate ESG Core Team. I’m looking forward to discovering EVS’ future endeavors in sustainability and the impactful actions they plan to undertake. Their ambitious goal of reducing their carbon footprint by 50% by 2030 makes them poised to set a new standard within the industry.

I invite you to delve into this sustainability report, it offers insights into EVS’ achievements, aspirations, and its vision for a more sustainable future.

EVS at a glance

Team members at the end of the year

Breakdown by gender

  • Male
  • Female

Breakdown by region

  • NALA
  • EMEA
  • APAC

Breakdown by work type

  • Full-time
  • Part-time

Breakdown by age group

  • < 30
  • 30-49
  • > 50

Number of nationalities


* This number has been corrected to include the team members that left the company on 31/12/23 (excluded in the previous report).

We create return
on emotion

The broadcast and media technology company EVS was founded in 1994. Headquartered in Liège, Belgium, the company has a global presence with over 600 team members working in 20-plus offices around the world. In its early years EVS was known for its pioneering work in tapeless television technology, including the launch of the Live Slow-Motion (LSM) system, which rapidly became the standard replay technology for all broadcast sporting events worldwide.

we are

As a globally recognized leader in live video technology for broadcast and media productions, our passion and purpose are to help our customers craft compelling stories that elicit the highest emotional response. We strive to deliver the best possible solutions to our customers through our cutting-edge technologies and customer-focused teams, thereby ensuring that they can create engaging and impactful content. We take pride in our industry-leading position and remain committed to driving innovation and excellence in all that we do.

we deliver

Our technology is used by customers worldwide to deliver live sports images, entertainment shows and breaking news content to billions of viewers in real time. Through our innovative solutions we enable our customers to engage and captivate their audiences with high-quality and impactful content. We are proud to play a key role in bringing some of the most exciting and engaging moments in sports, entertainment, and news to audiences all over the world. For the description of our products and services, and significant markets served, we refer you to the Annual Report 2023.


EVS has become a key player in the live production industry, offering reliable and innovative technologies and providing first-class support to customers located around the world. Our focus on customer success has allowed us to remain at the forefront of the industry, and we are committed to helping our clients grow as the industry evolves. To deliver on this promise we have continued to invest in the latest technologies, including our pioneering work in IP, artificial intelligence, multiple video resolutions and Cloud-based implementation. Through these efforts we have remained ahead of the curve and have empowered our customers with smart, reliable and scalable solutions that enable them to produce the best live stories today and in the future.


At EVS we are guided by seven core values that we embody globally: #CustomerSuccess, #Teamwork, #Accountability, #Passion, #Excellence, #Innovation, and #Agility. These values strengthen our corporate identity and define our day-to-day interactions with our customers, partners, and with each other.

Our value

As a technology company, we rely on service and manufacturing partners from all around the world. Below is a diagram of the partners with whom EVS interacts on a frequent basis:

EVS has 6 main types
of direct suppliers

  • 1. 3rd-party product vendors:

    Vendors who provide EVS with fully assembled products to enhance and complement EVS’ offering.

  • 2. Software sub-contractors:

    External experts hired by EVS to support specific tasks or projects.

  • 3. Software component vendors:

    Vendors who provide EVS with pre-built software modules or components.

  • 4.Hardware sub-contractors:

    External experts hired by EVS to support specific tasks or projects.

  • 5. Hardware component vendors:

    Vendors who supply EVS with specific hardware elements, such as processors, memory modules, or graphics cards.

  • 6. Freelancers:

    Self-employed professionals who support EVS on a project-by-project basis.

EVS has 4 main types
of clients

  • 1. Channel partners:

    Local resellers selling EVS solutions in specific regions (e.g. Korea, Japan), local, regional or global integrators integrating EVS solutions inside a customer’s dedicated legacy environment and/or incorporating EVS products into broader solutions to be deployed to their own customers (LAB or LSP).

  • 2. Live Audience Business (LAB):

    Customers leveraging EVS products and solutions to create content for their own purposes e.g. Broadcasters, Stadium, House of Worship, Corporate Media Centers, Sports organizations, Government & Institutions, Universities & Colleges.

  • 3. Live Service Provider (LSP):

    Customers leveraging EVS products and solutions to serve “LAB customers” e.g. Rental & facilities companies, Production companies, Freelance operators, Technology partners & system integrators buying for their own purpose.

  • 4. Audiences:

    They are the viewers who consume the media content created with EVS’ solutions (final customers).

Our relationship with our key suppliers within the value chain is very important. We rely on vendors to supply us with hardware and software components. We have a strategic procurement framework, which allows us to carefully assess our supply chain risks, not only in terms of criticality and dependency, but also in terms of sustainability. To find out more about our sustainable supply chain strategy please refer to the Governance section of this report.

Research and development are extremely important for EVS: almost half of our team members work within the R&D department to ensure the continuous adaptation of our solutions to the latest technologies and market trends. This strong position allows us a certain flexibility in our collaboration with partners. Within the R&D context we work with strategic partnerships to ensure that we create an end-to-end ecosystem of our solutions. In this setting we primarily work with external contractors for the development of software solutions.

We also maintain strategic partnerships in the sales and support environment. Our channel partner program ensures that we have certified sales and support channels that help us in specific geographic regions. The risks involved with this channel partner program are managed through a process of certifying our partners. This certification ensures that all our partners act within a clear framework, have the right knowledge and certification to represent EVS when meeting our customers.

Our customers can also be our partners in some cases. When we serve a Live Service Provider with our solutions this customer will in turn create content for a LAB customer, who will ultimately reach the end viewers, our audience.

Stakeholder engagement

Stakeholders General approach ESG-focused approach
1 – Customers
  • Regular calls, emails and meetings with the salesforce;
  • International and national broadcast events, EVS’ truck tour;
  • Customer satisfaction survey (NPS);
  • Customer support satisfaction survey
  • Analysis of their non-financial reports;
  • Interviews with their sustainability teams;
  • Client’s ESG questionnaire;
  • Stakeholder survey
2 – Suppliers
  • Regular calls, emails and meeting with the procurement team;
  • National broadcast events;
  • EVS’ Suppliers Day (as of 2024)
  • EcoVadis survey (as of 2024);
  • Stakeholder survey
3 - Community / Society
  • Communication with associations;
  • Social media
  • Stakeholder survey
4 – Shareholders / Investors
  • Interviews with our data analysts;
  • Investor Day
  • Investor’s ESG questionnaire;
  • Stakeholder survey
5 – Team Members
  • Engagement Survey;
  • Internal Sharepoint (intranet)
  • Stakeholder survey;
  • ESG Sharepoint page;
  • ESG Team member fair;
  • Through the ESG team

At EVS we understand the importance of engaging with our stakeholders and striving to build strong relationships with them. We approach each stakeholder group differently, tailoring our methods to best meet their needs and concerns.

We have implemented a satisfaction survey in order to consider the opinions of our customers regarding our services. We regularly analyze their non-financial reports and reply to their ESG questionnaires to ensure that our sustainability strategy meets their expectations. Additionally, in December 2022, we launched customer interviews to discuss and work actively with their sustainability teams, to better target their needs.

Regarding our suppliers, our purchasing team frequently engages with them through calls and emails. As for our sustainability strategy, starting from 2024, we will organize an annual “Supplier Day” event. The goal of this event is to present our ESG ambitions to our key suppliers and discuss future collaborations. Furthermore, we will also launch the sustainability evaluation of our suppliers with the EcoVadis platform.

We also actively seek feedback from our shareholders and investors through interviews. Concerning their ESG expectations, we actively respond to various ESG surveys and industry benchmarks.

Our team members are a top priority for us, so every year we conduct an engagement survey to gather their feedback. We also provide them with necessary information through our intranet SharePoint page. Regarding the sustainability strategy, we ensure that our sustainability team members are widely known within the company, so everybody is aware of who to contact.

In 2023, we also organized an “ESG fair” to share our sustainability strategy and collect their feedback and any questions they had. ESG was also integrated into our Lighthouse communications (an official internal monthly communication to all EVS team members which updates them on recent news).

As explained in the following Sustainability Strategy section, in 2023 all stakeholders were also contacted via a survey to collect their input for our new double materiality assessment.

Overall, our stakeholder approach is centered on listening and responding to the needs of each group, and we are dedicated to building and maintaining strong relationships with all our stakeholders.

ESG rating
  • Sustainalytics is a well-known rating agency. Their analysts have rated more than 20,000 companies. Our current score (March 24, 2023) is 13.5. Companies that score between 10 and 20 are considered to be low risk. We are in the 7th percentile (1st being Top Score) of all rated companies. Sustainalytics also provides a worldwide sector ranking. We are 127 out of 659 in the technology hardware industry group.
  • EcoVadis is an independent sustainability rating platform that monitors and improves the environmental, ethical and social performance of companies worldwide. EcoVadis provides sustainability performance audits for 75,000+ companies across 200+ sectors and in more than 160 countries. For the 2023 assessment, we have been awarded a silver medal thanks to a score of 67/100. We have been ranked in the 89th percentile, which means our score is higher than or equal to the score of 89 percent of all companies rated by EcoVadis.
  • CDP is a not-for-profit charity that runs a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. We were assessed as D in 2023.
  • Degroof Petercam is an asset management firm. They produce an annual ESG report with a rating of the companies they have invested in. In 2023, EVS scored 4 stars out of 5 and was rated as an ESG Outperformer.

Sustainability strategy

Double Materiality Matrix

In 2023, to prepare for the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), we conducted a double materiality assessment in line with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) requirements and EFRAG guidelines, published in June 2023.

The materiality assessment is the process by which a company determines which sustainability matters are the most relevant to the organization and its stakeholders. The CSRD mandates the application of the double materiality concept, which comprises two dimensions:

  • impact materiality - focusing on the company’s impacts on people and the environment;
  • financial materiality - concentrating the company’s risks and opportunities deriving from dependencies on natural, human and social resources.

A topic can be defined as material (or relevant) from an impact perspective, a financial perspective, or both.

Throughout the materiality assessment the company must pinpoint all material impacts, risks, and opportunities across environmental, social, and governance domains. This assessment includes the company’s own operations and its influence along the value chain, from upstream to downstream.

The results of our assessment defined the basis of our sustainability strategy for the next years to come.

The double materiality assessment was conducted from April 2023 to August 2023. The following steps were followed during the assessment:

1. Understanding the context

To understand the context of EVS the business model and strategy of the company were analyzed. The business relationships and upstream/downstream value chain were mapped. For more information please refer to the value chain presentation (‘EVS at a glance’ section) and the business presentation (Annual Report 2023).

A sustainability benchmark assessment was also conducted regarding the regulatory and legal landscape of EVS. Industry sustainability ratings and peer’s reports were also analyzed in detail.

2. Identification of the impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs)

After the context mapping, a longlist of potential material sustainability impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs) that occur, or could occur, throughout the value chain of EVS was drawn up.

We screened the sustainability matters covered in the topical ESRS with the aim of compiling a longlist of IROs.

In order to retain only the IROs that are relevant to EVS, we created an online questionnaire, which we sent to the Board of Directors, the Leadership Team and the ESG Core Team. This survey contained all the ESRS topics, sub-topics and sub-sub-topics.

A shortlist of sustainability topics was identified based on this survey. To ensure the completeness of this list we have mapped it with the previous materiality of EVS, in addition to the output of the different sustainability benchmarks (regulatory and legal landscape, industry sustainability ratings and peer reports).

3. Assessment of the ‘materiality’ of the impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs)

To determine the materiality of the sustainability impacts, risks and opportunities, we conducted a broad stakeholder survey as well as two workshops with the leadership team.

Stakeholder survey

The objective of this survey was to collect stakeholders’ feedback regarding which sustainability topics are the most important for EVS to tackle.

The online questionnaire was shared with internal and external stakeholders. All EVS team members were contacted via email and the survey was shared via the intranet. Customers, suppliers, shareholders and community partners were contacted via personalized emails.

170 Respondents

  • Shareholder
  • Other
  • Supplier
  • Customer
  • Team member

We asked the stakeholders, for each ESG domain, to rank the topics by order of importance, and if they had any elements to add to the list. A weighting factor was applied to the responses given by the different stakeholder groups.This was done to take into consideration the difference in influence and importance of the stakeholder groups for EVS.

Stakeholder category Weighted factor*
Customer 25%
Team member 25%
Shareholder 25%
Supplier 12.5%
Other 12.5%

*The above is aligned with EVS customer intimacy strategy.

According to the stakeholders the social topics linked to our Team Members are the most important, followed closely by environmental topics. Governance topics are the least important. This had already been shown in our previous materiality matrix. It is obvious that the governance topics are of the utmost importance for us and we have already taken action in this area. From both the stakeholder’s and our standpoint, we feel the emphasis should shift to other topics. However, we will maintain this topic within our materiality framework to ensure it remains ‘on our radar’.

ESG categories in order of importance for stakeholders

  • 1. Social topics linked to Team Members

  • 2. Environmental topics

  • 3. Social topics linked to workers in the value chain

  • 4. Social topics linked to customers and end-users

  • 5. Governance topics

Impact materiality workshop

The objective of this workshop was to collect the Leadership Team and the ESG Core Team’s feedback regarding the materiality impact of sustainability topics.

A workshop was organized at the end of June 2023 to which all members of Leadership and ESG Core Teams were invited. During the workshop each participant had to assess the scale and scope, and irremediability and likelihood (where applicable), of all the ESG topics defined in the sustainability shortlist.

After discussing a topic in groups each member of the workshop had to grade it individually.

A weighting factor was applied to the responses given by the different teams. This was done to take into consideration the difference in influence of the teams at EVS.

Participants Weighting factor
Leadership Team 67%
ESG Core Team 33%

The materiality threshold was defined as follows: all impacts with two or more criteria above or equal to 3 (on a scale of 1 to 5) were considered as material.

The results of this assessment were validated with the output of the stakeholder survey, to ensure that no topic defined by the stakeholders as important was assessed as not material by the Leadership Team and ESG Team.

Financial materiality workshop

The objective of this workshop was to ensure the completeness of EVS’ Risk Management System regarding ESG risks and opportunities and collect EVS Leadership Team input regarding the financial materiality of the identified sustainability topics.

The risks already highlighted in the EVS Risk Management System were screened to pinpoint any that could be linked to ESG. The list of risks and opportunities identified by SASB for the Hardware industry and the Software & IT Services industry, as well as the ESRS longlist, were reviewed.

For each ESG risk and opportunity identified an evaluation of its financial effect and likelihood was made in accordance with the EVS Risk Management System grading scales.

The materiality threshold was set as follows: all risks and opportunities assessed as moderate (6-9), or above, were considered as material (on a scale of 1 to 20).

The results of this assessment were validated with the output of the stakeholder survey, to ensure that no topic defined by the stakeholders as important was assessed as not material by the Leadership Team.

Double materiality matrix

Our ESG strategy

The ESG strategy was reviewed to integrate the results of the double materiality analysis.

The double materiality matrix was validated by the Board of Directors during the meeting on 16th November 2023, along with the new ESG strategy and 2030 ambitions.


  • Alex Redfern Chief Technology Officer

    Customer's Carbon Footprint

    50% reduction in carbon footprint of our products per € sold (baseline 2021) - aligned with SBTi (unit: tCO2e/M€ revenue)

  • Veerle De Wit Chief Financial Officer

    Company’s Carbon Footprint

    55% reduction in carbon footprint of our company per € sold (baseline 2021) - aligned with SBTi (unit: tCO2e/M€ revenue)


  • Pierre Matelart Chief People Officer

    Talent Management

    Be in the top 50% of Top Employers in Belgium

    Maintain a team member NPS of 30 or above

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    Be in the top 50% of Top Employers in Belgium

    Maintain a team member NPS of 30 or above


  • Nicolas Bourdon Chief Marketing Officer

    Customer Experience

    Achieve an NPS Devoncroft Score of 30 or above (in the “great” range) and be in the top 25% of our industry

    Local Social Contribution

    80% of Charity Days used


  • Veerle De Wit Chief Financial Officer

    Cyber Security (company, products & solutions)

    Maturity Level 2 of the CyberFundamentals Framework

    Sustainable Supply Chain

    100% of our direct (High Risk & Medium Risk) suppliers rated by EcoVadis

    50% of our direct (High Risk & Medium Risk) suppliers reach at least a bronze medal in EcoVadis

  • Quentin Grutman Chief Customer Officer

    Business Ethics

    100% of team members trained on Code of Conduct

    100% of our direct (high and medium risk) suppliers accept and respect our Code of Conduct (or equivalent)

Dounia Czorniak, Deputy Chief People Officer

Best ESG Leader - Corporate Star Award

EVS is proud to report that Dounia Czorniak, EVS’ Deputy Chief People Officer (CPO), has been awarded a Corporate Star Award in the Best ESG Leader category. The achievement stands as a testament to her remarkable leadership and commitment to ingraining sustainability deep within EVS’ corporate culture.

The awards ceremony, held during the IBC2023 show in Amsterdam, celebrated exceptional achievements in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) domains within the broadcast media and entertainment industry.

In her role as Deputy CPO, Dounia plays a pivotal role in overseeing HR operations and implementing EVS’ HR strategy. Her responsibilities have expanded to advancing ESG initiatives at EVS, an evolution that aligns with EVS’ objective to foster a holistic strategy that addresses diverse aspects of the business.

When explaining why sustainability is part of the HR scope, Dounia said:

Empowering HR to drive our sustainability strategy at EVS ensures its integration as a fundamental element of our corporate DNA and culture, rather than just another project. Our objective is to nurture a sustainability-oriented mindset in all our endeavors."

Thanks to her efforts, EVS has reached significant milestones in integrating sustainability values into various HR practices, ensuring that it is part of every team member’s journey, starting from the interview process and continuing throughout their tenure within the organization.

Sustainability Governance

At EVS several administrative bodies play an important role in the development, rollout and implementation of the ESG strategy. We have therefore created a governance structure that embeds sustainability throughout our entire organization.

Board of Directors Sustainability Sponsor: Soumya Chandramouli

  • The Board of Directors determines the strategy of EVS, including the sustainability strategy.

  • The Board of Directors is responsible for the oversight of ESG impacts, risks, and opportunities as well as the validation of the ESG targets.

  • In 2023, Soumya Chandramouli took the role of sustainability sponsor on the Board of Directors. As Chief Financial Officer of IBA, a Belgium-based company, she is already highly involved in ESG. She therefore has the right knowledge to challenge EVS’ management on ESG topics.

  • As of 2024, a sustainability update will be given during each board meeting. Bi-monthly meetings will also be organized between the sustainability board sponsor and the ESG Team Leader.

  • In 2023, the Board of Directors discussed about sustainability during several meetings. In February, an update on the responsibilities and planning of the ESG strategy was given by the CEO. In March, the sustainability board sponsorship was discussed. In May, a presentation was made on the ESG ratings received by EVS. In November, the Sustainability Team Leader presented the new ESG strategy and 2030 targets.

Leadership Team Sustainability Sponsor: Serge Van Herck (CEO) and Pierre Matelart (CPO)

  • The Leadership Team is responsible for the management of EVS’ operations, including the implementation of the sustainability strategy and the validation of the content of the sustainability report.

  • Six times a year (minimum) the sustainability strategy is discussed during the Leadership Team meeting. The following topics were discussed in 2023 during these meetings: ESG reporting, new materiality matrix process, ESG roadmap, ESG team allocation, 2030 ambitions, new materiality matrix, ESRS gap assessment and budget. The ESG Team Leader also reports to the CEO and CPO on the ESG progress bi-weekly.

  • In 2023 each pillar of the ESG strategy was assigned to a specific Leadership Team member. The ESG pillars were assigned based on the Leadership Team member role in the organization and their knowledge of the topic. They are responsible for the target definition and implementation of the action plan for their pillar.

  • As the ESG strategy was defined, the management decided to link remuneration to ESG achievement. For all Leadership Team Members, a percentage of their long-term incentive is linked to the ESG results. This part will increase gradually over the next 3 years starting at 5% in 2023, 15% in 2024 and 25% in 2025. For the CEO, ESG is also included in his short-term incentive. 15% is linked to the result of the Engagement Survey and 15% is linked to the Customer Net Promoter Score.

  • The Leadership Team is supported by external experts on specific topics (e.g. carbon footprint). A specific ESG training course is foreseen for the Leadership Team in 2024.

ESG core team TEAM LEADER: Dounia Czorniak (Deputy CPO)

  • The Sustainability Team is made-up of team members from various departments (HR, Finance, Business Application, Customer Success, Engineering, Legal, Marketing…etc.) and is led by Dounia Czorniak – Deputy CPO within the HR team.

  • Each sustainability team member has been assigned to an ESG track. The role of the team is to work on the day-to-day management of the ESG strategy. They monitor the implementation and progress of the sustainability strategy and provide support for the ESG reporting.

  • The team meets once a month. The meetings are each time dedicated to one of the ESG pillars. The progress of the spotlight track is presented to the rest of the ESG team for feedback. Additionally, the participation of the pillar sponsor (LT) is also requested for these meetings.

ESG Team Leader – Dounia Czorniak


  • Alex Redfern Chief Technology Officer

    Customer's Carbon Footprint
    • Martin Castin

      Innovation Engineer

    • Denis Bertels

      Product Manager

  • Veerle De Wit Chief Financial Officer

    Company’s Carbon Footprint
    • Julien Noir

      Pricing Manager


  • Pierre Matelart Chief People Officer

    Talent Management
    • Antoine Bostem

      Talent and Comp&Ben Manager

    • Kristel Skilbecq

      Senior Executive Assistant

    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    • Floriane Magera

      Innovation Engineer


  • Nicolas Bourdon Chief Marketing Officer

    Customer Experience
    • Sébastien Verlaine

      Head of Marketing and Communications

    Local Social Contribution
    • Elisa Crepin

      Business Operations Analyst


  • Veerle De Wit Chief Financial Officer

    Cyber Security (company, products & solutions)
    • Geoffrey Crespin

      Senior Solutions Architect – Live Video

    Sustainable Supply Chain
    • Loïc Bologne

      Head of Workplace and Procurement

  • Quentin Grutman Chief Customer Officer

    Business Ethics
    • Nicolas Bayers

      Head of Legal

The Sustainability Team

The Sustainability Team was created in 2021. As ESG is a wide matter that involves numerous topics we asked Team Members from various departments within EVS (HR, Finance, Business Application, Customer Success, Engineering, Legal, Marketing...) to be part of this team. This diversity of backgrounds and perspectives has added strength and creativity to our group.

In 2023 the ESG team had 11 members, each one in charge of a specific track of the ESG strategy. Everyone has committed to a minimum of 12 months service until April 2024. Our team and way of working are reviewed once a year to reconfirm everyone’s motivation to work on the process.



As an IT company in the broadcast and live production sector, we are aware that our operations have an impact on the environment.

Globally, the IT sector represents about 4% of greenhouse gas emissions, which is roughly equivalent to the aviation sector1 https://theshiftproject.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Lean-ICT-Report_The-Shift-Project_2019.pdf. Moreover, this sector is in rapid growth, and its energy consumption is increasing by 9% each year. It is therefore expected, if no action is taken, that the part of the GHG emissions of the sector globally will significantly increase over the coming years.

It is our responsibility to measure the impact on the environment of our solutions and our premises, and find solutions to reduce this impact as much as possible.

We want to become the number one in live production with sustainability on our minds.

In 2022 we undertook the significant initiative of calculating our carbon footprint for the first time. This endeavor marked a crucial step in our commitment towards improving our environmental footprint. In 2023 we made a strategic decision to forego the carbon footprint assessment for the year. Our choice was driven by the fact that we wanted to focus on enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of our data collection processes. We are convinced that focusing on quality and sustainability of our data points will enable us to move forward more rapidly.

In fact, 2022 was the first year we collected this type of data, and we noticed that the major sources of uncertainties were: purchase of raw materials (linked to EVS products and solutions), logistics not directly processed by EVS, and fixed assets. Moreover, data from our Media Infrastructure branch, our latest acquisition, were missing from this report.

By refining these foundational elements, we aim to elevate the precision of our data for a holistic carbon footprint evaluation in 2024. Be assured that we remain committed to providing an impactful and reliable contribution to environmental discussions. We already look forward to sharing our next carbon footprint in 2025!

The following important actions were implemented in 2023:

  • Set up a dedicated task force for data collection of the carbon footprint

  • Selection of a supplier to support us through the journey

  • Identification of the data points to be improved and definition of an action plan in collaboration with the different teams involved.

A key milestone reached in 2023 was the definition of our 2030 ambition for each of our sustainability strategy’s focus areas.

Regarding the Carbon Footprint pillar, we made the commitment to formulate near-term targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This means that our carbon footprint targets and action plan will be designed to reduce our GHG emissions in accordance with the Paris Climate Agreement, limiting global temperature rise to well-below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and below 1.5°C, if possible. In 2023 we started developing these targets and the action plan needed to reach them. However, they still need to be refined, as we will use the 2024 carbon footprint as our baseline. Our objective is to officially publish them in our 2024 sustainability report and have them approved by SBTi in 2025.

Carbon footprint 2021

But first, we believe that it is essential to ‘have a look in the rearview mirror’, back to 2021.

The greenhouse gas emissions of a company are divided into different scopes, as defined by the Bilan Carbone® methodology.

  • Scope 1 are emissions that are directly emitted from sources owned or controlled by the company.

  • Scope 2 are emissions from the purchased energy.

  • Scope 3 are emissions that are a consequence of the company’s activities but are emitted from sources that are not owned or controlled by the company.

The following emission sources were taken into account to calculate EVS’ carbon footprint

(% per scope)

  • Scope 1
  • Scope 2
  • Scope 3
  • Office energy consumption

  • Input purchasing 1 (linked to EVS offers)

  • Input purchasing 2 (linked to operations)

  • Packaging

  • Logistics

  • Transport of people

  • Waste

  • Fixed assets

  • Product use

  • Product end-of-life

Scopes 1 and 2 represent 5 %, while Scope 3 represents 95 % of our total emissions.

The estimated carbon footprint of the EVS Group is 305tCO2e/m€ for the year 2021 (42,046 tons of CO2e for €137.6m revenue).

  • Scope 1: 659 tCO2e

  • Scope 2: 1,345 tCO2e

  • Scope 3: 40,043 tCO2e

The most significant emission categories are:

  • 62 % electricity consumption of our products put on the market in 2021,

  • 21.5 % inputs (purchase of components, products…etc.) related to EVS’ offer,

  • 6 % transport of people,

  • 3.5 % energy consumed on-site.

Our first carbon footprint using the Bilan Carbon methodology was inspiring, helping to enhance our awareness of our ESG challenges.

You can find more information about how we calculated our 2021 carbon footprint in the 2022 sustainability report.

Customers’ carbon footprint

Impact material topics: Energy – Product, Climate change mitigation - Customer, Resource inflows, Resource outflows

Financial material topics: Market dynamics (ESG) – risk, Product and Market dynamics (ESG) - opportunity, Product legal requirements (ESG)

As an IT company, it is no surprise that the environmental impact of our products is of uttermost importance to us. Indeed, our 2021 carbon footprint showed us that the electricity consumption of our products represents the most significant part of our GHG emissions. The electricity consumed by the products we put on the market in 2021 represented 62% of our total carbon footprint2 As mentioned above, this was our first carbon footprint calculation, and there is some uncertainty in the overall outcome of our carbon footprint (11%). Furthermore, products assembled by the MI subsidiary (R&D Gilze) were not taken into account in our analysis.. It is thus the primary lever that we can activate in order to reduce it.

Meanwhile, the components used to build our products represent about 22%3 As mentioned above, this was our first carbon footprint calculation, and there is some uncertainty in the overall outcome of our carbon footprint (11%). Furthermore, products assembled by the MI subsidiary (R&D Gilze) were not taken into account in our analysis. of our carbon footprint, showing that it is also an important matter we need to work on.

We have gathered these two subjects under the “Customers’ Carbon Footprint” topic.

The carbon footprint of our products is also increasingly important to our customers; they care about their own carbon footprint and their electricity bills. We have observed that more customers are requesting carbon footprint data and ESG questionnaires during their tendering process.

Product energy consumption

In 2023 we analyzed the power consumption of the EVS Media Infrastructure (MI) products, to see how they performed in comparison to the other products in our portfolio. Indeed, this product range was missing from our previous carbon footprint analysis. MI products include Neuron, Synapse and Cerebrum. Unfortunately, we have not been able to gather the data for Cerebrum. In a similar approach as last year, we formulated a hypothesis on how the two former products are used by our customers. We made the hypothesis that these products, predominantly used in Production Centers, are powered up on a 24/7 basis, and took a realistic use case to make average power consumption measurements. We also considered a product lifetime of 10 years.

Total Sold Products Energy Consumption (2021)

  • XT-Via & XS Via
  • XT-Access & XFile3
  • LSM-Via
  • IDP
  • Synapse
  • Neuron
  • Others*

*This graph focuses on all EVS’ major products. “Others” includes the other products in the portfolio

As shown in the diagram, the MI products4 Excluding Cerebrum added roughly 13 GWh of electricity to the 80GWh previous calculated for the other product ranges. We will continue to work on the improvement of these data. These numbers, however, still need to be refined in our next carbon footprint analysis, which will include more precise measurements and hypotheses regarding the use case at the client side.

A transversal team selected from the whole R&D department has been created in order to tackle this important topic, and with the sponsorship of our Chief Technology Officer, Alex Redfern. This team includes one ambassador for each main product we have developed. This team will be responsible for achieving our 2030 ambition on the product side. A high-level action plan was already drafted in 2023.

Science Based Target action plan

As mentioned in the introduction, this year we have committed to developing near-term targets in line with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). The two main components that we need to work on from the Customers’ Carbon Footprint side are: the use of our sold products, and the embedded carbon in the components we buy to make our products.

These categories of emissions fall under Scope 3, therefore they should be aligned with a “well-below 2°C” target, which means that our emissions have to be reduced by 25 % in absolute value for these categories. This will be very challenging as our growth plans need to be disassociated from our carbon footprint. This means that our carbon to revenue ratio needs to be roughly halved by 2030. This directly translates into the fact that our carbon per product ratio also needs to be halved in the same timeframe.

We have already identified some actions we can use to make this ambition a reality.

The first one is related to the fact that we believe our clients do not turn off their setups when they do not need them. This is directly related to the complexity of such systems, for which our clients require the greatest reliability. They must always be ready for the next live breaking news or sport event that needs to be shown on TV, and to save precious configuration time they prefer to keep their setups up, configured and running.

We believe this is something we can have a great impact on, and which has been estimated to have a reduction potential of approximately 40%5 If we take the hypothesis that the customers’ setups could be turned off 10 hours a day. To make this possible, we aim to launch a system to help our clients schedule the turning on and off of their setups seamlessly, as well as monitoring their electricity consumption, carbon emissions, and energy costs. This not only means developing the system to make that possible, but ensuring every component of the system is able to restart while staying configured properly, 100% of the time; so that our customers will not have any reason to leave their system up and running without the need of it at a specific point in time. Moreover, we can also impact the energy consumption of equipment from other vendors in the setups, increasing the potential impact of such a measure. Finally, while we can certainly help our customers to make this less of a hassle, we should also work on the mindset, which needs to evolve to make energy consumption reduction a priority, and this can only happen through education.

The next action relates to the energy source used by our clients. We need to encourage our customers to use low-carbon energy sources. We will also assess the possibility of scheduling some non-urgent tasks when renewable energy is available on the network, thereby lowering the pressure on the grid when the energy mix is the most carbon intensive.

Finally, while most of our products are already well optimized due to the live constraints, this equipment must be robust. However, we believe we still have room for improvement in the optimization of some products, which historically had lower constraints. This means continuing to optimize CPU (Central Processing Unit) usage, for example, and instigating eco-design in all our products, especially the future ones. We should also be able to simplify and make some workflows more efficient to avoid wasting energy. Moreover, we would like to provide our customers with some guidelines regarding the most energy-efficient configurations. To enable this, we will need to thoroughly measure the consumption defined by the various software and hardware components at stake.

While the use of our products is the prominent part of our customers’ carbon footprint, we also need to work on the carbon embedded in our products. This is a topic on which we will make more progress in 2024, despite the difficulty in tackling it. The electronics industry is continuously making progress, outdating older components. However, we have experience in repairing and upgrading some of our products. Indeed, EVS hardware servers are known for their very impressive lifespan of 10-12 years, much better than the 4-5 year lifespan of a COTS PC. In 2024 we will analyze which additional actions can be taken in this field.

Certainly, there are numerous challenges associated with these themes, including the persistent strain on the system caused by the escalating volume and resolution of videos that our customers implemented to process. Another difficulty is the rise of computer-intensive technologies such as artificial intelligence and SDI/IP6 SDI stands for Serial Digital Interface and IP for Internet Protocol. flexibility. These are topics on which the right balance between progress and carbon intensity will have to be found, not just for us but for the whole broadcast industry.

Undoubtedly, uncertainties persist in these proposals, which is why we will investigate them further in 2024.

It goes without saying that, to make it possible to start such transformations within the company, we will need the commitment of all stakeholders. This is why an important part of our actions will be centered around internal communication and the involvement of all team members; and the reason we are setting up Climate Change awareness activities with all team members in 2024.

Company carbon footprint

Impact material topics: Energy – Organization, Climate change mitigation - Company

Financial material topics: Energy consumption, Sustainable resources leading to lower operational costs

At EVS, even if our product’s electricity consumption represents 62% of our total carbon footprint, we believe that this should not deter us from mitigating our own emissions for a greener future.

In 2023, to raise the awareness of all our team members and encourage them to take initiatives, we organized the following initiatives:

  • Digital Cleanup Sprint

    In the digital world, as in the environment, there is a huge amount of waste. Unnecessary emails, files, apps, duplicates of photos and videos are all digital waste. These sit in the backups of our servers, which consume unnecessary energy. It is called digital pollution.

    In 2023 we participated in the international day of Digital CleanUp. We sent a communication to all our team members to remind them to delete all unnecessary files. This enabled us to raise our team members' awareness on the topic.

  • ESG fair

    On the 9th May 2023 we had our first ESG fair at the HQ. The goal of this fair was to inform our team members about the ESG team, the different actions taken at EVS and the impact it has/will have on their jobs.

  • Charity Day for ESG topics

    All through the year our team members had the opportunity to use one working day to support a good cause. Some team members used their Charity Day to have a positive impact on the environment; for instance, some of our team members went to collect waste on a riverside in Belgium.

    For more details please refer to the Local Social Contribution chapter of this report.

EVS HQ | Energy consumption


  • Energy consumption within EVS

    In our 2021 carbon footprint the energy consumed by our buildings represented 3.5 % of our total emissions. Our EVS HQ accounted for half of the emissions (52%) related to on-site energy use.

    This is justified as the HQ is the biggest office of EVS. However, the high energy consumption linked to the IT equipment and the size of the building is counterbalanced by its “smart” design, the production of renewable electricity via photovoltaics, and by the energy efficiency improvement actions carried out by the EVS Team in recent years. Electricity is the only energy used in the Liège Headquarter building (power, heating, and cooling).

    In 2022 we decided to reduce the energy consumption of our HQ by 15%. Even though we did not reach our target this year, we managed to decrease our energy consumption by 9 percent compared to last year, after 3 years of stable consumption.

    Proportionally, at our HQ, our consumption per employee continued to decrease from more than 22kWh/team member in 2016 to just under 12 kWh/team member7 This number has been corrected to align on the type of team member which was taken into account. in 2023.

Our Energy Workgroup worked on several topics to achieve this, such as:

  • Energy monitoring: They followed up the energy consumption of the data center in our HQ on a weekly basis, challenging the teams on the number of machines that need to be turned on all the time and explaining how to switch the others off more often without putting the business at risk.

  • Awareness communication: Some general communications were also sent to all team members about best practices in terms of energy consumption (e.g. shutting down their computers and turning off the lights at the end of the day).

In the other offices smart readers are starting to be installed, to allow the facility team to monitor energy consumption more accurately.

  • Mobility at EVS

    In 2021 the transport of people (team members commuting and business travel) represented 6% of our total emissions.

    Changing our way of moving in this world is more than a mere action; it is a profound commitment. It directly influences our emissions but also serves as a tangible demonstration of our genuine dedication to a greener future.” Veerle De Wit, Chief Financial Officer

In 2023 we implemented the following initiatives:

Reviewed our travel policy:

‘Building a better future in which we further reduce our environmental impact is a responsibility of every company, of every organization and of every human being.’- Antoine Bostem, Talent and Com&Ben Manager.

In that spirit, travelling by plane is allowed only for trips over 400 km / 250 miles.

Electric company cars:

In 2021 our fleet had no electric cars, despite the opportunity given to all team members in Belgium. In 2022, 8 cars were ordered (2% of our fleet). This number drastically increased in 2023, and our fleet currently includes 100 electric cars (30% of our fleet).

We have also installed 24 additional electric charging stations, to reduce the obstacles, so our team members can opt for an electric car. Today, we have a total of 72 charging stations for 100 electric cars!

Under these conditions we aim to reach 100% electric cars by 2030.

Bikes & eBikes:

In 2023 we launched the opportunity for our team members to lease a regular bike or an e-bike.

At the end of the year, we were proud to announce that we already had 23 bikes for lease.

Public transport:

As it is in our DNA, we will keep continuing to fully reimburse public transportation costs for our team members who choose to use public transport (only in Belgium).


Team members


Material topics: Talent Management, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The business world is changing – and employees’ expectations are evolving with it. Companies have to attract and retain the best talent and boost performance, while ensuring they have the talented people they need to attain their business goals.

In 2023, within the framework of our ESG strategy, we outlined our social ambitions. By 2030 we aim to reach two primary objectives:

  • Attain a position within the Top 50% of Belgium’s Top Employers.

  • Achieve a team member NPS (Net Promoter Score) of 30 or higher, referred to as tmNPS (Team Members Net Promoter Score).

These dual objectives signify our commitment to both outward and inward perspectives. Being recognized among the top employers ensures our dedication to enhancing HR policies through global benchmarking of best practices.

Top Employer:

The Top Employer certification involves meticulous assessment across ten key criteria, including talent management, workforce planning, talent acquisition, integration, training and development, performance management, leadership development, career management, compensation and benefits, and culture. Winning this certification is a significant accomplishment, and we are thrilled to have once again received it in 2024.

Currently, our Top Employer score stands at 79.58%, positioning us below the median among the 87 Top Employers in Belgium. Our aim for 2030 is not only to maintain our certification but also to surpass the median of Belgian top employers.

Top Employer - Logo
Team member NPS:

In 2023, we’ve implemented a Net Promoter Score (NPS) survey to assess team members’ satisfaction and loyalty. The survey asks a straightforward question: “How likely are you to recommend working at EVS to a friend or an acquaintance?”

Responses are categorized as Promoters (9-10), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6). The team member NPS (tmNPS) is calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters, with a higher score indicating a more positive perception among team members. Our target score is 30, signaling a net positive sentiment when there are more Promoters than Detractors.

tmNPS results

  • Nbr of detractor
  • Nbr of passive
  • Nbr of promotors

We launched this survey in December 2023 and will conduct it quarterly to provide team members with more frequent feedback opportunities. This approach allows us to respond promptly to received feedback. Our initial results are highly promising, with a current score surpassing our target at 55. Our goal is to maintain this high score and consistently exceed the benchmark of 30.

In order to reach these targets we have developed an action plan with a special focus on talent management and diversity, equity and inclusion.

Talent Management

At EVS we center our talent management effort around three fundamental pillars:

  • 1. Talent Attraction

  • 2. Talent Development

  • 3. Talent Retention

Our team members are our greatest asset. They are at the heart of the organization! They are at the foundation of everything we do. Their contributions drive innovation, excellence, and enable us to provide unparalleled support and quality solutions to customers worldwide. Consequently, we prioritize cultivating a dynamic work environment where our talents can collaborate effectively towards achieving our shared objectives in a sustainable and ethical manner.

At EVS we recognize the intrinsic link between talent management and organizational performance. As such, our people-centric policies are meticulously crafted to cultivate a future-ready workforce, empower individuals, and foster a rewarding employee experience that enriches both personal and professional growth.

Talent Attraction

The way employees see their work today is diametrically opposed to what we saw a few years ago. Nowadays, they consider resigning if the company they work for no longer corresponds to their values, or is not invested in the same things they value and believe in.

Thus, communicating our value proposition as an employer and communicating with our candidates is key to attracting the best talent.

Male Female < 30 30-50 > 50 NALA1 NALA stands for North America and Latin America EMEA2 EMEA stands for Europe, Middle East and Africa APAC3 APAC stands for Asia-Pacific
New hires 58 11 24 38 7 14 52 3
Rate 84% 16% 35% 55% 10% 20% 76% 4%
Remuneration and benefits

Our compensation strategy is designed to align with the skills and experience of each team member, and includes opportunities for profit-sharing. Additionally, we offer a variety of financial and non-financial benefits tailored to the specific needs of each office, with a focus on continuously improving and optimizing these offerings. At the HQ for instance these benefits include company car, mobile devices, health and group insurance, internet connection, healthy and balanced meals, sport activities, etc. All benefits are available to all team members, with the exception of the company car in Belgium, which is only available to those working at least 3/5 days per week.

Social media

EVS is active on social media such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. All our positions are posted on social media, shared by our team members to their networks but also advertised in-house on our company intranet. In 2023, 18 % of our vacant posts were filled through internal mobility. This is a slight decrease compared to 2022 (21%)4 This number has been updated from the number disclosed in the 2022 Sustainability Report. An error was made between the number of vacant positions and % of vacant positions. which was an exceptional year.

In 2023, EVS perfected digitalization of the recruitment process by improving our recruitment module to make it compatible with our HR platform. This module allows the recruitment team to publish job offers simultaneously on different job boards (LinkedIn, EVS website, etc.), centralize the applications received within the same tool and improve the onboarding experience.

The focus of the year was on the digitalization for the talent acquisition team. A considerable amount of work was done by the team to make sure that all our processes were integrated in our Business Process Management.

It was the case for instance for the onboarding process. This process is now carried out through POP – our HRIS5 HRIS stands for Human Resource Information System.. However, we didn’t just digitize the process, we thoroughly reviewed it to make it more in line with our strategy, to make sure we consider our newcomers’ well-being, training and engagement right from the beginning.

EVS presence

EVS prioritizes its presence at job fairs and maintains strong relationships with prestigious universities worldwide, bolstering its recruitment efforts globally. This proactive approach not only enhances EVS’ visibility but also facilitates the identification of top talent.

Furthermore, members of the HR team actively engage with high schools and universities, offering conferences and educational sessions to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application. This initiative not only provides students with valuable insights but also serves as a platform for EVS to identify promising candidates for future roles. Importantly, these efforts underscore EVS’ commitment to social responsibility by investing in the education and development of future professionals.

By actively participating in educational events and fostering meaningful relationships with academic institutions, EVS is not only strengthening its talent pipeline but also making a positive impact on the community. These initiatives not only contribute to EVS’ reputation as an employer of choice but also demonstrate its dedication to nurturing talent and supporting educational advancement.

Celebrating Together

Team building is an essential aspect of any successful organization. A strong team can improve communication, increase productivity, and foster a positive work culture. At EVS we created a group called Ed Force 1 in 2018, it organizes several fun activities throughout the year to strengthen the bonds between our team members. These activities not only provide a break from daily routine but also allow team members to get to know each other on a personal level, which helps to build trust and a sense of camaraderie. Overall, we are convinced that the activities organized by Ed Force 1 have a positive impact on our organization.

In 2023 our Event Team, Ed Force 1, organized lots of fun events for our teams all around the world. We love celebrating, and it’s a big part of who we are. These events were held for up to 700 people, including our families. Every year more and more team members join in, and this keeps our Ed Force 1 team motivated to push the limits of what we do. One of the highlights of the year was at the end of 2023 when 20 team members from EVS headquarters put on an amazing hour-and-a-half music concert during our Christmas party. They’d practiced for eight months, and their show was fantastic! Everyone loved it, and it made the party unforgettable.

ED Force 1 - A Year of Unforgettable Events

Next year EVS turns 30, and Ed Force 1 is planning even more awesome events. We're all looking forward to celebrating together again and making more great memories. Ed Force 1 shows how much we enjoy being together, creating emotions and having fun, and we can’t wait for what’s coming next!

Talent Development

At EVS we are committed to providing our team members with opportunities for development.

We offer a wide range of learning and development opportunities. These opportunities include live training, online training, reading material, language classes, and internal and external development programs. These opportunities are available to all team members. We have a Learning & Development catalogue that is accessible via our intranet. This catalogue provides access to a varied range of training content, classified by topics, to all our staff worldwide, from their computers or mobile devices.

We believe that by investing in the continuous development of our team we are investing in the success of our company.

In 2023 the average training days per Full Time Equivalent was approximatively 3 days.

Average training hours
Male 20
Female 27
Team member 20
Management 31
Top Management 30
Leadership Team 12
Team leadership

For the third year in a row, in 2023 we organized “Management 3.0” training sessions to improve our management skills. The training was a huge success again: 69 members were certified in Management 3.0 in 2023. In addition, we launched new Management 3.0 training modules on Leadership with topics such as DEI6 DEI stands for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, worker well-being, and culture of feedback. 2023 marked the launch of a new custom training program called Manager Practitioner, in partnership with Alias Consult and internal trainers. More than a training course, it is a year-long program designed to better equip our Team Leaders in a constantly changing world. It is a mix of hard and soft skills training, with dedicated coaching. The aim is to support our team leaders in their roles and ensure that they feel comfortable in their constantly evolving jobs.

“Manage the System, not the People”

Management 3.0 training sessions have been a tremendous catalyst for the company’s transformation. Why?

They create alignment on management practices and emphasize what we want to see thrive at EVS.

This fosters connections between individuals and teams - reinforcing the value of teamwork at EVS.

It provides a common language and up-to-date tools.

It generates new ideas - providing food for thought.

It is directly applicable by managers and team members; it is a pragmatic and concrete approach.

Strength in Numbers: Let us imagine that 30% of participants use certain Management 3.0 practices; it makes a huge difference whether you train 10 or 300 people. With over 280 people trained, we observe that these practices are thriving within the company. For example, the use of Moving Motivators during 1-2-1 sessions to influence team members’ intrinsic motivation. Implementation of competency matrices to determine individual and collective training needs.

A management philosophy in line with what we want to see thrive - “Manage the System, not the People.”

ESG training

In 2022 we launched a new training course on ESG to improve our team members’ knowledge on the topic of sustainability and how it relates to EVS, investors and regulators. This training was followed by 94% of our team members, and 92% of our team members passed the test.

Our goal for 2025 is to reach a coverage of 95%. Therefore, in 2023 this training was included in our newcomers’ onboarding.

Individual Continuous Improvement Process (ICIP)

The Individual Continuous Improvement Process (ICIP) is the process used at EVS for continuous improvement. At least once a year, all our team members, with their team leader take the time to:

  • Assess the past = Annual Review

  • Improve the present = Regular One-to-One meetings

  • Set directions for the future = Setting Objectives

It is the opportunity to take time to discuss and set new challenges.

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
% of team members following ICIP7 The percentage is calculated by dividing the number of ICIP received by number of team members employed (excl. long-term abseentees and team members who gave their notice) 85% 94% 86% 97% 91%
Talent Retention

At EVS enhancing team member retention is a crucial priority. In 2023 there was a 10% turnover rate, with few departures being regretted. The average age of EVS team members is relatively young at 41.7 years old, with a length of service of 6 years.

Male Female < 30 30-50 > 50 NALA9 NALA stands for North America and Latin America EMEA10 EMEA stands for Europe, Middle East and Africa APAC11 APAC stands for Asia-Pacific APAC stands for Asia-Pacific
Departures 49 15 7 38 19 9 54 1
Headcount 12/2023 552 90 112 394 136 49 564 29
Rate8 Number of departures per number of total employees in the category 9% 17% 6% 10% 14% 18% 10% 3%
Team member engagement surveys

All experts agree that there is a strong connection between the level of engagement within a company and business results. Therefore, it is important to measure the commitment level of our team members.

Over the last five years our team members worldwide were invited to participate once a year in our engagement survey. In 2023 the results showed a significant improvement in the participation rate, and the level of engagement remains high.

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
Participation rate in the engagement survey 91% 80% 88% 84% 85%
Level of engagement13 Percentage of team members answering “Almost Always true” or “Often True” to the question “Is EVS a Great Place to Work” 91% 91% 89% 87% 67%

Besides the global level of engagement, the variables we measure are:

  • Credibility (i.e., measuring the extent to which Team Members see management as credible) has slightly increased in 2023 to reach 84%;

  • Respect (i.e., support, collaboration and caring) also slightly increased in 2023 from 80 to 81%;

  • Fairness (i.e., equity, impartiality and justice) is stable with 77% in 2023, but still remains the lowest dimension despite our focus;

  • Pride (i.e., expressing the pride a Team Member can experience at EVS and in the organization, more specifically about their teams, their jobs, the products and services EVS develop) is stable with 81%. We have changed one statement in order to get more specific results regarding ESG, without taking that into consideration the dimension would have increased. The ESG specific statement is “I feel confident with our ESG Strategy”. Results are low (75%) but we are proud to see that our Team Members expect more from EVS on this topic. We hope they will be able to see progress in 2024.

  • Camaraderie (i.e., sense of intimacy, hospitality and community) remains a very high-scoring dimension (84%).

Overall, we are proud of these results as they clearly show that EVS is a great place to work, and that it deserves the certification of Top Employer received at the beginning of 2024.

Our goal for 2024 is to maintain that high level of engagement and achieve even higher results in our offices.

Top Employer 2024

The worldwide certification program of the Top Employer Institute evaluates companies on their Human Resources policies, and rewards those who provide their employees with the best working environment. The entire Human Resources policy is scrutinized through an audit and a survey, which contains 6 areas and 21 topics such as skills development, training, talent management, sustainability, well-being at work, diversity...etc.

Thanks to this certification, we are recognized on the job market as a quality employer, and it is important for us to know that the priority we give to our team members and the HR policy, which has been in place for years, is going in the right direction. Top Employer also allows us to compare ourselves to the other certified companies, so that we can continue to improve our Human Resources policy.

Being certified Top Employer Belgium 2024 means that we do not only deliver the best solutions to our customers, it means that we also strive to deliver the same to our team members.

We strive for excellence together and we achieve great things together. We do this by strengthening our culture of innovation and accountability year after year.

The certification recognizes our dedication to our team members who are the foundation of EVS’ success, and who all play a crucial role in our mission to help our customers create emotion for billions of people around the world, every day, from anywhere.” Serge Van Herck, Chief Executive Officer

Our ambition for 2030 is clear: entering the TOP 50% of Belgium Top Employers (companies of less than 1000 employees).

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

A growing body of research and numerous surveys highlight the significant benefits associated with a diverse and inclusive workforce. Such studies show that companies that prioritize Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives are not only better positioned to attract top talent but also experience enhanced creativity, innovation, and problem-solving capabilities. Diverse teams bring a variety of perspectives, experiences, and skills to the table, fostering an environment that encourages critical thinking and out-of-the-box solutions. Moreover, a commitment to DEI positively impacts employee engagement and retention. When individuals feel valued and included they are more likely to contribute their best work and remain loyal to the organization.

At EVS we recognize the pivotal role that DEI play in fostering a thriving and innovative work environment. As a company operating in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) sector, we understand that embracing diversity is not just a moral imperative, but a strategic business decision that directly contributes to our long-term success.

Having a closer look at gender diversity, we find that embracing diversity and inclusion practices is even more important given that the industry in which EVS operates is one that is clearly known for its lack of diversity. In Europe, less than 20% of computer scientists are women14 https://economie.fgov.be/fr/themes/line/inclusion-numerique/women-digital, and moreover, in Belgium, for every 6 computer scientists who graduate, there is only one female15 https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/desi. In this context, EVS wants to be an actor of change that will make it possible to rebalance these figures, while knowing that gender parity is an unattainable objective in the short term. Building a diverse and inclusive workforce is a cultural change, which takes time, reflection, and dialogue with our team members. In 2023 we started to reflect on how our DEI strategy could support our global social target: to achieve our goal of reaching the Top 50% of Belgium Top Employers, and which actions should be put in place to achieve it.

Our vision regarding DEI is to focus on gender diversity as there is much room for improvement there, without forgetting other aspects of diversity.

As an EVS team member, I am really proud to work for a company that is fully inclusive, and that promotes diversity”. Magali Richald, Senior HR Officer

Male Female < 30 years old 30-50 years old > 50 years old
Board 6 3
Leadership Team 6 1 0 5 2
Top Management 43 5 0 32 16
Management 48 7 1 36 18
Team member 455 77 111 321 100

For gender diversity, we observe a pipeline effect: there are too few women graduating from tech schools. Additionally, studies16 https://www.accenture.com/content/dam/accenture/final/a-com-migration/pdf/pdf-134/accenture-a4-gwc-report-final1.pdf 17 https://www.techtalentcharter.co.uk/why-women-leave-tech-jobs have shown that even in the small pool of women entering the tech industry, few will stay in this field. At EVS we aim to work on both aspects, and have therefore defined an action plan that focuses on internal and external actions.

Internally, the following actions have already been implemented.

In our recruitment process the job offers are written in inclusive language, to let anyone identify themselves with the description made for the vacant position.

A preliminary and mandatory eLearning training on discrimination and unconscious biases has been given to all our teams to raise general awareness. Furthermore, several pages on the topic have been added to our internal SharePoint to allow easy access to information and share resources to deal with potential issues.

In 2024 we will focus on giving additional training to staff in roles that have more impact on promotion, recruitment, and opportunities. Therefore, additional presential training about unconscious bias will be given to hiring managers.

We also want our team members to play an active role in this topic and make our DEI project active internally and transversally. Therefore, a dedicated group of voluntary team members has been created and is in charge of following our DEI initiatives and creating dedicated policies. Additionally, anonymous surveys have been launched to gather feedback and novel ideas.

Externally, we aim to actively contribute to our industry’s development. In order to achieve this we sponsor and engage in activities that foster more diverse broadcast and tech industries. In 2023 we continued to support RISE, an organization that advocates for gender diversity in the broadcast industry. We also participated in working groups about “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Tech” organized by Agoria, to share our good practices and get inspired by other companies.

Recognizing the importance of countering stereotypes that hinder women’s participation in STEM roles, we believe in starting this effort from an early age. EVS therefore supports CoderDojo and even hosted one of their events for their volunteers. CoderDojo is a non-profit organization that organizes free programming clubs for children and young people aged between 7 and 18 years old. To give more visibility to women in tech industry, several female team members represented the company in public conferences and panels, serving as impactful role models in the broadcast industry.

In 2024 the DEI team is eager to continue engaging in initiatives to educate students and children, to challenge stereotypes and advocate for inclusive education.

Inclusive workplace

Actions have been taken over the past few years to improve the inclusivity of our HQ. For instance:

  1. Training has been given to all team members on how to work with different generations.

  2. A quiet room has been set up. This is appreciated by religious and neuro-divergent team members.

  3. Special attention is given to team members that come from abroad. The HR team support them with their relocation and visa requests.

I was hired by EVS from India, and understandably it was quite a challenge to process my work permit and visa. EVS HR team took care of my permit and it was processed in just 5 weeks. The HR team and the relocation agency also provided relevant information for my visa and helped me register with the local council, finding an apartment, and stepping in whenever a translation was required, as I don’t speak French yet. The response from EVS throughout the process was transparent as well as quick. It was a smooth transition for me to move to Liège with the relevant help and information.” Alakesh Deb, Customer Support Engineer


Customer experience

Material topics: Customer experience

Customer success is the essence that permeates every facet of our operations. It is rooted in our corporate culture and strategically positioned within our priorities, recognizing the pivotal role customer experience plays in shaping the perception of the EVS brand. This is clearly shown in our materiality matrix (see the Sustainability Strategy Chapter). As we navigate through our ESG journey, we increasingly believe that our sustainability performance is intricately linked to the satisfaction of our customers. Consequently, our dedication to customer experience has become the linchpin, not only in understanding the needs and expectations of our clientele but also in catalyzing collective efforts toward a more sustainable tomorrow.

Understanding Our Customers’ Perspectives on ESG

In 2023, building on our unwavering commitment to customer success and sustainability, EVS proactively sought to understand our customers’ perspectives on ESG through a series of interviews. These conversations unveiled sustainability as a strategic imperative for many, with a focus on measuring carbon footprints and advocating for transparency in ESG policies across the value chain. Notably, advanced-stage customers emphasized the need for vendors to combat human and environmental abuses and provide technologies for responsible content production. Diversity and inclusion emerged as pivotal concerns, essentially for fostering well-being and attracting new talent to our broadcast industry.

Our customers welcomed our proactive approach, perceiving us as industry leaders in ESG discussions. This not only positively contributed to EVS’ brand equity but also confirmed the alignment of our customers’ expectations with our ESG goals and the strategic priorities outlined in our materiality matrix.

NPS to Gauge Customer Satisfaction

In addition to qualitative insights, EVS employed a quantitative approach to gauge customer satisfaction through the Net Promoter Score (NPS). Independently measured by Devoncroft Partners, our 2023 NPS stands at an impressive 42.3, attesting to the strength of our customer relationships.

While the survey affirmed our strong standing in key areas such as customer success, innovation, quality, reliability, stability, and our forward-looking vision, it also highlighted improvement opportunities, particularly with certain customer segments, notably in North America and Germany. Areas for enhancement include perceived value for money and ease of collaboration.

To address these insights we are strategically advancing our approach, expanding our sales force in North America and transitioning to a solution-oriented offering. These initiatives, aimed at increasing our proximity in specific regions and reducing total cost of ownership of our solutions, are pivotal steps to enhance our standing in these aspects and positively influence EVS’ perception in the 2024 survey.

Our aspiration is to sustain our NPS at 30 or above, consistently positioning EVS within the top 25% of our industry. This ambition is supported by strategic actions: enriching the online customer support experience through the enhancement of our VIA Portal, transparent and proactive communication about our products, solutions, and ESG policies; and thoughtful leadership initiatives reinforcing EVS as a trusted partner in the integration and adoption of cutting-edge technologies, along with our steadfast dedication to ESG practices.

By integrating qualitative insights from customer interviews with the quantitative strength of our NPS, we are poised to comprehensively understand and meet our customers’ expectations, affirming our commitment to customer success and sustainability.

Local social contributions

As an international company with a strong local presence in some areas of the world, we want to contribute to making the communities around us better every day. We encourage our team members to get involved with charities, and we also contribute to communities at a corporate level by giving resources to support ambitious projects that aim to improve local communities. Following on from 2022, we have continued to conduct initiatives that support the communities gravitating around EVS.

At the beginning of 2023 we reorganized our sponsoring activities to ensure that they matched our ESG ambitions. Our support now focuses on activities related to Sports, Education and Culture. A special work group gathers every month to review all sponsoring requests and decide on the allocation of resources.

At the same time we have continued encouraging our team members to take part in charity days, and supported individual initiatives by sponsoring recognized organizations they wish to assist.

  • Team member sponsoring: We like to let our team members support causes or associations that mean a lot to them. Each team member can “spend” a dedicated budget to support a local project (sports projects, education, culture,…etc.). In 2023 we received around 350 requests for sponsoring, which makes a total of 45,400€ spent on local initiatives. Among this, 22,000€ were dedicated to support the victims of natural disasters.
  • Charity days: In 2022 we started a new type of day off. Each year, each EVS team member can spend one full day working for a charity. The goal is to give everyone the opportunity of taking one paid day off per year to help a recognized organization of their choice. In 2023 around 10% of our team members spent 1 day helping charities. Associations we helped: Viandas Callejeras Solidarias (Buenos Aires), Assistance à l’Enfance asbl (Liège), L’Epice Solidaire (Liège), Fédasil (Liège), River Clean-up (Liège), La Passerelle asbl (Liège), La Forêt de Luhan (Liège), Jealott’s Hill Community Landshare (Bracknell), Bolendemain (Liège), Les Vins Cœur asbl (Liège).

In 2023 we set ourselves the ambitious goal of reaching 80% of team members using their Charity Day by 2030.

Additionally, EVS aims to continue supporting communities by giving access to some resources (financial resources, material resources,…etc.).

EVS’ support to education

  • CoderDojo

    Giving time is one of the best gifts, and that is the reason why EVS supports CoderDojo, a non-profit organization that supports volunteers who teach programming skills to children between 7 and 18 years old. We encourage our team members to give some of their time to this cause while also supporting CoderDojo financially.

  • Broadcast Academy

    EVS is a strategic partner of the Broadcast Academy. The Broadcast Academy is unique in its approach as it relies on professionals and broadcast experts to help other professionals develop and improve their broadcasting skills. The training is customized to suit its audience with focus on skills that are relevant to the task, role, and the industry.

  • Liège Créative

    EVS supports this forum that brings the worlds of research, business and public sector around a program driven by innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship.

EVS’ support to sport

  • ELA Run

    Since 2017, EVS has participated in the “ELA run”. ELA Belgium organizes inter-company or company/university running sessions. These running events are organized to raise awareness about the disease of leukodystrophy and to raise funds for research: “Wear your trainers and beat disease”. Every year more than 60 team members take part in this event. It gives them the opportunity to support a great cause while having fun with colleagues.

  • Athlete Sponsoring

    EVS supports Marine Simonis (freediver) and Maxime Carabin (para athlete) in their different sportive goals. In 2023 Maxime won gold at the world championships in Paris, while Marine established a new national record by freediving to 63m below sea level during the Vertical Blue Competition.

  • Basketball Academy Limburg

    EVS supports the BAL by providing it with production equipment.

EVS’ support to culture

  • Théâtre de Liège

    With its 65,000 spectators and more than 250 curtain raisings for 40 to 60 titles per season, the Théâtre de Liège is presently the number 1 stage of Wallonia. It has a team of some sixty permanent employees, including craftsmen who work in the costume and set workshops. EVS supports it with financial sponsoring.

  • Opéra Royal de Wallonie

    The Royal Opera of Wallonie-Liège is one of the three major opera houses in Belgium. Season after season, the Royal Opera develops a range of specific projects with a formative, educational and social vocation. EVS supports the ORW financially.

  • Parallax Creativity Awards

    The Parallax Creativity Awards is the first digital art contest in Liège. This competition highlights and rewards emerging digital arts talent that expresses a social concern (sexism, racism, xenophobia…etc.) through their work.

  • Les Ardentes

    EVS supports the Les Ardentes urban music festival by providing production equipment.

Small initiatives

  • Blood Donation

    Every year EVS organizes blood donations at its headquarters. The Red Cross comes twice a year and collects blood from some of our Liège-based team members. It is important for EVS team members to contribute to help people who need blood transfusions. In 2023, a total of 87 pouches of blood were collected at our HQ.

  • Honey

    In 2020 we installed beehives at our HQ premises, and we sell jars of their honey to our team members to collect funds for charity.

  • Toy collection

    Every year we organize a toy collection around Christmas time to support an initiative of the Pentahotel in downtown Liège. The goal is to offer gifts to the underprivileged children of Liège as well as helping homeless people with clothes and hygienic products.

  • Nursery for the Liège Science Park

    EVS has decided to support the creation of a nursery in the Liège Science Park. This project is the result of an observation: the shortage of nursery places in Wallonia. Several companies in the Liège Science Park have decided to support this initiative by donating time and money to the creation of the nursery.


Cyber Security (company, product & solutions)

Impact Material topics: Team Member – Privacy, Data breach

Financial Material topics: Data security – EVS, Data Security - Products

The increasing frequency of cyber attacks worldwide and the sophisticated nature of the hacking activities of cyber-criminal organizations poses a challenge for manufacturers. As a leading provider and architect of IP infrastructure solutions for the broadcast industry, EVS has implemented a cybersecurity strategy that ensures comprehensive protection of their products and critical IT systems.

EVS is fully aware of the growing importance of corporate IT security, and we have a clear commitment to cyber security in our leadership team, which translates into a new process and an increased focus on the security of EVS products. This growing importance is reflected in the number of cyber security compliance documents requested during bidding processes. In 2023, 95 % of the RFPs (Request for Proposal) and RFIs (Request for Information) contained cyber security topics.

The great majority of EVS customers play an important role in reliable delivery of news and sport events all around the world. Protection against specific cyber attacks and threats is a significant part of the activities performed by EVS. In 2023, we had 0 substantiated complaints concerning data breaches.

In 2023 we also set an ambition for 2030 for the cyber security pillar. We aim to reach a maturity level 2 of the CyberFundamentals Framework. The CCB CyberFundamentals Framework is built around five core functions: identify, protect, detect, respond and recover. These functions, regardless of the organization or industry, permit the promotion of communication around cyber security among both technical practitioners and stakeholders, so that cyber-related risks can be incorporated into the overall risk management strategy.

The requirements and guidance are complemented with the relevant insights included in NIST/CSF1 NIST stands for National Institute of Standards and Technology. CSF stands for Cyber Security Framework. framework and IEC/ISO 27001:2022.

In 2023, EVS also continued to work on vulnerability assessment. This internal process is ongoing with close collaboration between developers and the cyber security workgroup.

The CyberFundamental Framework will help EVS to raise security to an appropriate level right away.

Thanks to the initiatives conducted by the EVS cybersecurity workgroup, we:

  • Performed fast risk assessments on zero-day vulnerabilities.

  • Communicated with our customers about cyber security vulnerabilities in EVS products and how to fix them.

  • Improved our Secure SDLC2 SDLC stands for System Development Lifecycle.. It integrates security into the process and testing happening in parallel with development.

  • Deployed our security product EVS SHIELD to help our customers to protect broadcast centers and big sport events.

  • Covered all critical EVS processes with a Cyber Business Continuity Plan.

  • Improved the Cyber Disaster Recovery Plan for all major EVS services.

  • Secured the EVS SaaS services and big events.

Based on new EU Directives, it is useful for EVS to prepare now for the general obligations arising from the NIS2 Directive (EU Cybersecurity law), without waiting for the legislation to be transposed, taking into account the increasing threats and risks.

In addition to cyber security, the protection and management of personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is also a top priority at EVS. Our data privacy compliance program is governed by several internal procedures, which are monitored by the legal department, to ensure compliance with the GDPR on a day-to-day basis at a global level.

Sustainable supply chain

Impact Material topics: Workers in the value chain

Financial Material topics: Material sourcing, Inadequate partnership

At EVS, sustainability and social responsibility are integral parts of our strategy, and we strongly believe it is crucial to involve our entire ecosystem in our efforts. We are convinced that it is our responsibility to ensure that our trading partners and their suppliers share our commitment to building a sustainable future for all.

We have adopted a central tool to achieve a sustainable supply chain, the Ecovadis platform. EcoVadis is the world’s leading organization for CSR ratings. The EcoVadis assessment aligns with international standards and focuses on key areas such as energy and climate change, waste management, supply chain management, conflict minerals, labor practices, human rights, and business ethics. Based on their scoring, companies can have a gold, silver or bronze medal. EcoVadis will play a key role in the selection of our suppliers.

By 2030, we aim to have 100% of our direct high-risk and medium-risk suppliers rated on this system. Furthermore, a minimum of 50% of these suppliers will have a bronze medal. We have set ourselves the interim objective to have 5% of our direct high-risk and medium-risk suppliers rated, and 2% with at least a bronze medal, by the end of 2024.

We define high-risk or medium-risk suppliers based on our internal criteria. High-risk suppliers are a single source supplier for components that can have a direct impact on an EVS product, and for which the change time to find another option on the market is long. This risk level can be intensified or reduced by the quality of their services and/or products. A medium-risk supplier is a supplier that has an impact on our products, but which is not single source.

To reinforce a sustainable ecosystem EVS will organize its Suppliers’ Day, which will take place at EVS HQ in Q1 2024. It will be the perfect opportunity to exchange and on board our suppliers in our ESG vision, and in creating a sustainable supply chain which meets EVS’ ESG ambitions.

Business ethics

Impact Material topics: /

Financial Material topics: Intellectual property protection & Competitive behavior, Business conduct

Today EVS is a leading provider of live video technology, with a global footprint of more than 600 team members working in over 20 offices all over the world. Such success is dependent upon the conduct of all our EVS team members. Therefore, we expect that all team members always act with business ethics in mind. At EVS this means doing the right thing in the right way. We strongly believe that it is only with our integrity intact that EVS can remain a successful company and stay on the right track for the future. To this end, our EVS Code of Conduct reflects our company’s integrity values and offers guidance to help our team members to make the correct decisions in every situation, even when the right thing to do is not obvious. The Code applies to all directors, officers and team members of EVS, as well as all contractors providing services to EVS worldwide, regardless of the position and level of responsibility as per the provision of their contract, but also to all our suppliers and contractors as per our applicable terms. The EVS Code of Conduct, together with the Whistleblower policy, offers all team members the opportunity to report actual or suspected breaches of the EVS Code of Conduct, policies and laws.

  • 1. Respect of human rights

    EVS prioritizes fair labor practices, decent and fair working conditions and respect for human rights as core values. It includes, but is not limited to, prohibiting child, forced or bonded labor, ensuring fair wages and overtime pay, minimum wages, provision of benefits and freedom of association. In particular, EVS ensures that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in its business and its supply chain to meet, notably, the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act.

  • 2. Anti-corruption & Anti-bribery

    At EVS we strive to conduct business with honesty and ethics, and we do not tolerate practices such as corruption and bribery. Our EVS Code of Conduct provides guidance to our team members to do the right thing the right way in these matters, as the distinction between corruption, gifts and other business courtesies is sometimes blurred.

  • 3. Whistleblower policy

    In order to continuously strengthen our ethical commitment, and notably in accordance with the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and the Belgian law of 15 December 2022, EVS has updated its Whistleblowing Policy, which is now available on our website.

    This Whistleblowing Policy provides a secure and confidential channel to allow any person that wishes to do so to speak up should he/she identify breaches of the EVS Code of Conduct, policies and laws. EVS is committed in this context to ensuring that everyone (not only team members but also suppliers, customers and other third parties) feels free to speak up without fear of retaliation, and to investigate any potential instances of misconduct.

    The Whistleblowing Policy clearly highlights who can issue a report, when a report should be issued, the process as well as the protection and confidentiality from which the whistleblower can benefit.

  • 4. Confidentiality

    Confidentiality is key at EVS. We have therefore updated our data protection policy to (i) enhance our value as a company, (ii) secure our technologies and data; (iii) ensure our competitivity towards our competitors and (iv) comply with our legal and contractual obligations. To this end, each EVS data file has been classified to ensure that they are protected by the right level of confidentiality depending on the information at stake.

In 2023 there was:

  • No legal action regarding human rights, anti-corruption, anti-competitive behavior or data protection, nor significant instance of non-compliance with laws or regulations.

  • No reported actual or suspected breaches of the EVS Code of Conduct, policies and laws through the Whistleblower procedure.

  • Mandatory e-training on the EVS Code of Conduct (including respect on human rights, on anti-corruption/ anti-bribery, data protection) has been assigned to all team members since 2021 (and is reassigned every two years) and to all newcomers every semester. Mandatory e-training on personal data protection has been assigned to 50+ team members who deal with personal data on a daily basis.

  • Mandatory e-training on data protection has also been assigned to all team members to strengthen compliance with our confidentiality policy.

For our 2030 ambition, we have set ourselves the following targets for the business ethics pillar:

  • 100% of our team members trained on the Code of Conduct

  • 100% of our direct (high and medium-risk) suppliers accept and respect our Code of Conduct (or equivalent).

As mentioned above, the Code of Conduct training is assigned to all team members, however, we will conduct additional checks in the coming year to ensure that it is, indeed, correctly followed by everyone.

Regarding our second objective, an action plan will be put in place in 2024 in collaboration with the sustainable supply chain pillar.

EU Taxonomy disclosures

In this section the key performance indicators, required under Regulation EU 2020/8521 Regulation EU 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council, published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the 22.06.2020. (the EU Taxonomy) and related Delegated Acts2 The EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act 2021/2139 (further amended by the Complementary Delegated Act 2022/1214 and the Delegated Act 2023/2485), the EU Taxonomy Environmental Delegated Act 2023/2486 and the Disclosure Delegated Act 2021/2178 (further amended by the Complementary Delegated Act 2022/1214 and the Delegated Act 2023/2486)., are reported. The EU Taxonomy aims to direct and channel capital towards sustainable activities, with the end goal of financing sustainable growth and achieving the EU goal of becoming climate neutral by 2050.

What is the EU Taxonomy?

The EU Taxonomy is a unified classification system to establish which economic activities can be considered environmentally sustainable. The EU Taxonomy also provides a methodology to calculate how much of a company’s turnover, capital and operational expenditure (CapEx and OpEx) derive from environmentally sustainable economic activities.

An activity can be considered as environmentally sustainable if it:

  • substantially contributes (SC) to one or more of six environmental objectives: climate change mitigation (CCM), climate change adaptation (CCA), the sustainable use and protection of water and marine resources (WTR), the transition to a circular economy (CE), pollution and prevention control (PPC), the protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems (BIO),

  • do no significant harm (DNSH) any of those environmental objectives,

  • is carried out in compliance with minimum social safeguards3 The minimum safeguards shall be procedures implemented by a company that is carrying out an economic activity to ensure the alignment with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, including the principles and rights set out in the eight fundamental conventions identified in the Declaration of the International Labour Organisation on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the International Bill of Human Rights.

The EU Taxonomy establishes when an activity is considered to ‘substantially contribute’ and ‘do no significant harm’ to the environmental objectives through a set of Technical Screening Criteria (TSC) – science-based criteria defined individually for every activity (e.g. performance thresholds, carbon intensity limits, climate risk assessment, etc.).

Our EU Taxonomy assessment process

Our core activity consists of the design and production of video solutions for the live video industry. EVS’ NACE codes are:

  • J62 “Computer programming, consultancy and related activities”

  • G47.41 “Retail trade of computers, peripheral units and software in specialized stores”

  • C26.30 “Manufacture of communication equipment”

EU Taxonomy eligibility: Analysis


To start the EU Taxonomy assessment each activity performed as part of our core business was identified and an eligibility assessment was performed on each one.

For this purpose, an activity was considered eligible if it is described in the Delegated Acts, regardless of whether that economic activity meets any, or all, of the technical screening criteria laid down in those delegated acts.

Initially, twelve activities were identified but we concluded that only five had to be considered for further eligibility analysis as the title and description of the others does not fit with EVS’ activity (see table 1).


The next step of our assessment was to identify the percentage of our expenditure which is eligible. The EU Taxonomy defines three categories of expenditure to be included in the numerator of the OpEx and CapEx KPIs.

Category A: Expenditure related to assets or processes that are associated with Taxonomy-aligned economic activities

Category B: Expenditure that is part of a plan to expand Taxonomy-aligned economic activities or to allow Taxonomy-eligible economic activities to become Taxonomy-aligned (‘CapEx plan’)

Category C: Expenditure related to the purchase of output from Taxonomy-aligned economic activities and individual measures leading to GHG reductions, or contributing substantially to any of the environmental objectives.

For this analysis the same approach as for FY2022 was followed. We started by analyzing the expenditure that matched the definition of category C, followed by category B and then category A. This approach was taken to ensure continuity and consistency with our previous EU Taxonomy reporting. Furthermore, we believe that this approach is the most prudent as it forces us to analyze the compliance of our expenditure to the EU Taxonomy criteria defined for specific activities.

However, as the legislation is still relatively new, rather complex and leaves room for interpretation in certain areas, we are aware that our approach might evolve over time and therefore lead to different results. For the purpose of transparency, we will disclose any evolutions and changes to our approach and methodology in our future reports.

Our analysis concluded the following:

A. CapEX

29% of our CapEx was assessed as being EU Taxonomy eligible via the purchase of output from EU Taxonomy-eligible activities and individual measures leading to GHG reductions, or linked to any environmental objective (category C), and 18% of our CapEx was assessed as being EU Taxonomy eligible as linked to EU Taxonomy eligible activities (category A).

As explained in the following sections, at this point we do not have any Taxonomy-aligned activities, therefore we do not have a CapEx plan aiming to expand such activities (category B).

B. OpEx

4% of our OpEx was assessed as being EU Taxonomy eligible via the purchase of output from EU Taxonomy-eligible activities and individual measures leading to GHG reductions, or linked to any environmental objective (category C), and 61 % of our OpEx was assessed as being EU Taxonomy eligible as linked to EU Taxonomy eligible activities (category A).

For all these expenditures, CapEx and OpEx items were taken into consideration in line with their definitions included in sections 1.1.2 and 1.1.3 of Annex I of the Disclosure Delegated Act.

EU Taxonomy alignment: Analysis

Climate Delegated Act

As per our assessment summarized in Table 1, no eligible core activities generating turnover were identified for the climate environmental objectives. Therefore, we only assessed alignment of our eligible CapEx and OpEx category C.

For each eligible CapEx and OpEx activity identified, a climate risk and vulnerability assessment is requested (either in the SC or DNSH criteria). As mentioned previously, this assessment has not been carried out yet and consequently none of our eligible CapEx or OpEx activities are EU Taxonomy aligned. Further to the climate risk assessment, for every eligible CapEx and OpEx activity identified there is also a set of additional and extensive requirements, defined either through SC or DNSH criteria. We have worked through these criteria and, as of today, no alignment can be claimed, as the TSC have not been met. As explained in the section below, in 2024 we will continue our taxonomy journey, including verification and collection of evidence necessary to report alignment.

We also assessed our compliance with the minimum social safeguards (MSS) as defined under article 18 of the Taxonomy Regulation. Our code of conduct, which also applies to our business partners, covers most of the core MSS topics. As we want to ensure that all the requirements from the MSS criteria (OECD Guidelines, ILO, UN Guiding Principles and International Bill of Human Rights) are properly addressed (including, among others, due diligence requirements), we have integrated the MSS criteria into our ESG action plan, under the governance pillar. In 2023 a more extensive analysis of the MSS criteria was carried out. In 2024 the missing procedures and policies will be implemented to ensure that all the requirements are satisfied and verifiable.

Environmental Delegated Act

Regarding the new Environmental Delegated Act for the financial year 2023, only the eligibility assessment is required. Therefore the alignment analysis for the circular economy environmental objective was not performed. However, we already know that the points mentioned above for the climate environmental objectives will also be applicable for the activities contributing to circular economy, such as the climate risk assessment and the minimum social safeguards.

The results of our assessment are included in the section below (See – EU Taxonomy Key Performance Indicators) – further to the mandatory templates, simplified and voluntary tables have also been included, as well as further explanations of the KPI definitions and changes to our 2022 EU Taxonomy reporting.

EU Taxonomy: Key Performance Indicators


The preparation and consolidation of our financial statements is carried out according to the IFRS. Our recognition of net turnover follows the definition7 Amount derived from the sale of products and the provision of services after deducting sales rebates and value added tax and other taxes directly linked to turnover. of the Disclosure Delegated Act8 Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178, published in the Official Journal of the European Union on the 10.12.2021. ur consolidated financial statements9 2023 Annual report – note 3 “Segment information”..


The CapEx KPI is calculated in line with Section 1.1.2 of Annex I of the Disclosure Delegated Act. Our EU Taxonomy-eligible (or EU Taxonomy-aligned for alignment KPI) CapEx (numerator) is divided by the total FY2023 CapEx, as defined in Section of Annex I of the Disclosure Delegated Act (denominator).

For the CapEx denominator, the following CapEx were included in the total FY2023 CapEx:

  • (a) IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, paragraphs 73, (e), point (i) and point (iii);

  • (b) IAS 38 Intangible Assets, paragraph 118, (e), point (i);

  • (c) IFRS 16 Leases, paragraph 53, point (h).

The other categories of the CapEx are not relevant to EVS.

Further details about these costs can be found in the notes 11 and 12 of our consolidated financial statements10 2023 Annual report – notes 11 “Other intangible assets” & note 12 “Tangible assets”.


The OpEx KPI is calculated in line with Section 1.1.3 of Annex I of the Disclosure Delegated Act by dividing EU Taxonomy-eligible (or EU Taxonomy-aligned for alignment KPI) operational expenditure (numerator) by the total FY2022 OpEx, as defined by Section of Annex I of the Disclosure Delegated Act (denominator)11 Currently not all operational expenditures may be counted in the EU Taxonomy disclosures. Allowed operational expenses include research and development, building renovation measures, short-term leases, maintenance and repair, and other day-to-day direct expenses related to the servicing of assets to ensure the continued andeffective functioning of such assets..

For the OpEx denominator the following direct non-capitalized costs were included in the total FY2023 OpEx:

  • (a) Research and development

  • (b) Building renovation measures

  • (c) Short-term lease

  • (d) Maintenance and repair

  • (e) Any other direct expenditures relating to the day-to-day servicing of assets of property, plant & equipment (PPE) by EVS, or third parties to whom activities are outsourced, that are necessary to ensure the continued and effective functioning of such assets

Changes to 2022 reporting

Our EU Taxonomy analysis is based on the corresponding regulation, its delegated acts and the frequently asked questions (FAQs) published by the European Commission, as well as numerous reports found on the Platform on Sustainable Finance. As the legislation is still relatively new, and rather complex, some specific areas leave room for interpretation, and so for these elements we have applied due care in our approach; but we are aware that some interpretations might evolve over time and lead to different results. For the purpose of transparency, we will disclose any evolutions in our future reports.

With this mindset of being transparent: while performing the assessment for 2023 we noticed that we did not include the complete amount for Leases in the CapEx denominator. Therefore, a correction had to be made to the 2022 eligible CapEx KPI.

For the OpEx, we managed to perform a more granular analytical review and decided to adjust the reported value in 2022 to ensure consistency.

Adjusted eligibility KPIs for the financial year 2022 are as follow:

Looking forward to 2024, and beyond

In 2024, and beyond, we will continue our taxonomy journey. We will focus on the following elements:

Climate risk assessment – We plan to conduct a climate risk assessment of our economic activities. As mentioned in the previous sections, this is a key element for the alignment of our turnover, CapEx and OpEx. We will assess the physical climate risks that are material for our activities. and we will analyze adaptation solutions that can reduce them.

Minimum Social Safeguards - In 2023 we assessed our compliance with the Taxonomy minimum social safeguards, as defined under article 18 of the Taxonomy Regulation. In the context of our sustainability strategy, we will work on closing the identified gaps and documenting our alignment with OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Alignment action plan - In 2024 we will define an action plan to bridge the gaps regarding the other “Technical Screening Criteria” and “Do No Significant Harm” criteria for our turnover, CapEx and OpEx.