At EVS we give utmost importance to your data’s privacy. The purpose of this Privacy Statement is to explain how EVS collects, processes, uses, stores and transfers your personal data as well as your rights over any personal data we hold about you in compliance with the applicable data protection legislation (and notably the European General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR). “Personal data” in the framework of the present Privacy Statement means any information that, either alone or in combination with other information collected, identifies an individual.


A. Who are we?


EVS Broadcast Equipment SA, with registered office at rue du Bois Saint-Jean 13, 4102 Seraing, Belgium as well as any of its affiliates belonging to the EVS Group (hereinafter collectively or individually referred to as EVS or we or us).  We generally determine the purposes and means of the processing of your personal data and we are therefore “Data Controller” (or “joint Data Controller” with one of our affiliate). EVS may also process your personal data in very limited cases as “Data Processor”. In such cases, the Data Processing Addendum shall apply in compliance with the applicable data protection legislation


B. When and which of your personal data is collected?


We collect personal data of our customers’, suppliers’ or partners’ team members related to sales, purchase, business relationships, or otherwise related to our day-to-day business.  In this context, we collect your name, company details, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, language preference, job title, function, information about the sector you work in, reports of our contacts with you, as well as information about the products and services provided to you (including for example, the things we have provided to you, when and where, what you paid, the way you use our products and services, and so on), etc.


We collect any personal data you are voluntarily providing us by registering on our platforms (notably MY EVS, Via Portal, the EShop, etc.) or by using EVS’ website or in any other way.  In this context, we collect your name, nickname, company details, job title, e-mail address, phone number, language preference, contact preferences, reports of our contacts with you, information you provide us with in tickets, etc. However, please note that your account login details, including your username and chosen password are completely private and consequently not held nor accessible by EVS. We also use cookies on EVS’ website, please consult our Terms of use & Cookie Policy in this respect.


We also collect any personal data you are voluntarily providing us when interacting directly or indirectly with us through contracts, contact forms, inquiries, commercial actions, orders, purchases, job applications (see our Privacy Statement for job candidates), meetings, emails, whistleblowing policy (which can remain anonymous), etc. In this context, we collect your name, company details, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, language preference, job title, function, information about the sector you work in, reports of our contacts with you, photos and/or videos, your report, etc.


If you are a user of EVS’ “Software as a Service” (notably Mediahub and XtraMotion), we are processing personal information such as your name, email address, login details, as well as your tracking of your activity and log data (such as time of your visit, content you have viewed, etc.), sometimes through a specific platform (such as Cloud Console).


In the event that you would visit our premises, we may finally collect some specific personal data such as your name, company details, postal address, e-mail address, phone number, language preference, job title, function, information about the sector you work in, reports of our contacts with you, as well as images of yourself from our surveillance camera (in compliance with the applicable law), etc.


You are never forced to share your personal data with us. The only consequences of your refusal to share personal data will be a potential a slowdown in the service and/or the inability to use certain parts of our websites/platforms or have access to certain products and services.


C. For what purposes and on which legal basis do we collect & process your personal data?


Management of our sale, purchase and partner contractual relationship – We are collecting and processing the personal data from our customers, suppliers & partners to enable us to correctly handle the agreement you entered in with us. This way we can, for example, send you an invoice, deliver products at the correct address or grant you the licenses you have purchased. 

Depending on the individual cases, this personal data is processed on the basis of your request to take steps prior to entering into a contract and EVS’ legitimate interests to address appropriately such steps for direct marketing/commercial purposes or on the basis of the performance of a contract.


Support services - We are collecting and processing the personal data of our customers’ team members when they interact with EVS support professionals within the framework of the support agreement to enable us to diagnose and resolve problems. We keep this data for a reasonable time in order to provide support services for similar issues, when the personal data is no longer necessary, we anonymize it.

Depending on the individual cases, this personal data is processed on the basis of the performance of a contract or on basis of EVS’ legitimate interests in improving its support services.


Use of our Software as a Service (notably Mediahub & XtraMotion) – We are collecting and processing your personal data to give you access and enable you to use such products, as well as to administer user accounts, manage user requests and/or analyze system usage and understanding consumption of the service. Please however be aware that it will be necessary for you to submit certain mandatory personal data in order to register your user account and thereby enabling you to use the services. 

This personal data is processed on the basis of the performance of the applicable Software as a Service contract.


Marketing communication, documentation, training – We are collecting and processing your personal data within the framework of our marketing communication to invite you to tradeshows, training events, customer panels, webinars & campaigns, to inform you about promotions, press releases, newsletters, and to allow you to subscribe to EVS news and manage notifications on new release notes, case studies, white papers and videos. This enables us to send you more relevant and useful information, keep you informed of our activities and send you appropriate offers based on your use of our services and your needs. We shall also use your personal data to send you satisfaction surveys on a periodical basis, in order to improve our offerings & quality of services.

We are collecting and processing your personal data through our platforms to give you access to EVS’ products and services, activities, events and/or training catalogues as well as to allow you to register to trainings, have access to online training material, as well as to your own learning history.

This personal data is processed on the basis of your unambiguous consent through your registration to our platforms (MY EVS and/or Via Portal) where you can subscribe to the services of your choice and manage your preferences at any time by simply accessing to the “edit account” portal.


Direct Marketing – We process the personal data of our existing customers in the framework of direct marketing to offer personalized promotions on products/solutions that we know you are interested in or for inviting you to events promoting such products/solutions or our company, if applicable, in your region.

We are processing your personal data on the basis of EVS’ legitimate interest. You always have the right to oppose to such processing by return of email.


Company visibility and communications – We are processing and publishing some photos and/or videos on which you may appear to enhance the company’s visibility and/or to illustrate corporate, marketing or recruitment communications. It could be press releases, newsletters, annual report, advertisings, brochures, pages of the website, social networks, etc.

This personal data is generally processed on the basis of your unambiguous consent, which EVS shall request before taking any action, and that you may withdraw at any time.


Legal and regulatory obligations – We are collecting and processing your personal data in order to comply with legal obligations to which EVS is subject.

Depending on the individual case, this personal data is processed on the basis of EVS’ legal obligations and EVS’ legitimate interest in complying with regulatory provisions or the performance of a contract.


Security – We are collecting and processing the personal data of the visitors of our premises on the basis of EVS’ legitimate interests in ensuring the security of EVS' premises, web platforms, employees and visitors.


Contact with EVS at your request – We are collecting and processing your personal data in order to answer your requests addressed to EVS through any means (contact forms, e-mail, whistleblowing policy, etc.).

This personal data is processed on the basis of EVS’ legitimate interests to provide an answer to your question in accordance with your reasonable expectations, or on the basis of EVS’ legal obligation to comply with the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law.


Whenever the basis of the processing is your consent, you have the possibility to withdraw such consent at any time following the procedure which has been communicated or by contacting us (


D. Do we share your personal data?


Affiliates – Generally, we do not share your personal data with anyone other than EVS’ affiliates. These EVS’ affiliates shall not use your data for the other purposes than those described above. Within EVS, your personal data is only available to the appropriate members of staff who need to have access to them in relation to their function and for a specific purpose.


Service providers – There is, however, a number of trusted third parties with whom we share your personal data or who have a potential access to your personal data: carefully selected third party providers that provide services on our behalf (such as database managers, advisers, etc.) and web analytics tools. When doing so, we always ensure that your information is handled confidentially and in a safe manner and where required, we also always set up a formal agreement with the third-party processors that is intended to protect your data. This way, the processor will never be allowed to use your data on his own initiative and your personal data has to be deleted or returned as soon as the processor has finished the assignment.


Legal requirements – Exceptionally, we may share your personal data when we are required to do so by law, regulation or legal process (such as a court order), if requested by government agencies, such as law enforcement authorities, or when we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to prevent physical harm or financial loss or in connection with an investigation of suspected or actual illegal activity.


Business transfer – We also reserve the right to transfer any data we have about you in the event we sell or transfer all or a portion of our business or assets. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to ensure that the transferee uses the personal data you have provided to us in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Statement.


International transfers – From time to time we may transfer your personal information to our affiliates, suppliers or service providers based outside of the EEA for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement. If we do this, your personal information will continue to be subject to one or more appropriate safeguards set out in the applicable law. These might be the use of binding corporate rules in a form approved by data protection authorities, standard contractual clauses or having our suppliers sign up to an independent privacy scheme approved by regulators.


Specific references to Social Networks capabilities in the context of Product Asset Management (PAM):

  1. EVS shall not share any personal data or information of any PAM user with any such third-party platforms.

  2. EVS Product Asset Management platforms integrate YouTube API Services to enable users to share content within their channel in YouTube Platform under the user’s own responsibility.

  3. PAM platforms include Google functionalities to allow sharing of content and clips with users’ YouTube Account. In that case, users and EVS agree to be bound by all relevant YouTube Terms of Services available on Terms of Service (, as well as Google security settings available at, and in particular the setting page about revoking user access.

  4. While EVS does not share any personal data with Google or YouTube, users acknowledge that the use of this Google product is subject to Google own data processing activities and  Google Privacy Policy available at EVS is not responsible for the collection and processing of personal data by such third parties and their partners. We recommend users to read their privacy statements before using their services.


E. How long do we keep your data?


In compliance with the applicable data protection legislation, EVS will only retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the stated purpose, taking into account also our need to answer queries or resolve problems, provide improved and new services, and comply with legal requirements under applicable laws.


This means that we may retain your personal data for a reasonable period after your last interaction with us. When the personal data that we collect is no longer required in this way, we may anonymize, or destroy and delete it in a secure manner.


F. How do we protect your data?


EVS has taken reasonable measures to ensure that your personal data is protected from unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use through technical and organizational measures including:

  • limiting access to our buildings to those that are authorized to be there (by use of passes, key card access, visitor’s registration and other related technologies);
  • implementing access controls to our information technology, such as firewalls, ID verification and logical segmentation and/ or physical separation of our systems and information; and
  • storing your data in secure operating environments and only accessible to EVS employees, agents and contractors on a need-to-know basis. EVS also follows generally accepted industry standards in this respect.


G. what mesures are in place to update, correct and give you access to your data?


You can exercise the following rights you have over your personal data at any time and free of charge (unless your requests is excessive or unfounded) by sending an email to, together with a proof of your identity if applicable:


  • Access: you can ask us whether we have data about you and, if this is the case, you can request access to your personal data. In addition, we will provide you with information about the purpose of keeping your personal data, if we share it with third parties, who they are and how long we will keep your information;
  • Rectification: We use reasonable efforts to warranty that your data is accurate, complete and current. If you believe that your personal data is incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate, you have the right to have it rectified or completed;
  • Objection: you may object at any time to the processing of your Personal data if you believe we don’t have the right to use your data;
  • Erasure: you can ask us to erase your personal data if this data is no longer needed for the fulfilment of a purpose;
  • Data portability: you can ask for your personal data to be returned or transmitted to another organization.


We may decline to process requests that jeopardize the privacy of others, are extremely impractical, or would cause us to take any action that is not permissible under applicable laws. Additionally, as permitted by applicable laws, we may need to retain certain personal data for a longer period of time for recordkeeping purposes, such as retaining records relating to your purchases for warranty or accounting purposes.


If you are not satisfied with our response or believe that your privacy rights have been infringed, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Belgian Data Protection Authority, which is the lead supervisory authority for EVS, with address at Rue de la Presse 35, 1000 Brussels.


Of course, if you have a personal account on one of our platforms (notably MY EVS and Via Portal), you can always simply check your details and, if needed, adapt using your online profile on the website of EVS.


H. Privacy Statement Updates


EVS may update this Privacy Statement from time to time as we improve our current offerings, and as technologies and laws change. You can determine when this Privacy Statement was last revised by referring to the "update " legend at the bottom of this page. Any changes will become effective upon our posting of the revised Privacy Statement on EVS website. If these changes are material and, where required by applicable law, we will outline them and/or obtain your consent. The notice of any change will be announced by email, potentially as part of a periodic newsletter, or by posting notice of the changes on our website, in accordance with applicable laws.


I. Contact us


If you have any question or remark relating to this Privacy Statement or to the processing of your data in general, please do not hesitate to contact us by sending an e-mail to or by sending a letter to EVS Broadcast Equipment SA, to the attention of the Legal Department – Rue Bois Saint-Jean 13, 4102 Seraing, Belgium. We are happy to assist you and answer any questions you might have.



This privacy policy was most recently updated in July 2024