Safeguarding integrity

Our sustainable governance takes into account various sustainable policies (such as whistleblower policy, anti-corruption policy and human rights), the sustainability of our supply chain, cybersecurity and data privacy (which are crucial in our industry) and the composition of the governance bodies. Indeed, we have at heart to make sustainable decisions in a context that is itself sustainable. ​

We create return on emotion

Respect of Human Rights

Promoting fair labor practices, decent working conditions and respect for human rights. It includes but is not limited to prohibiting child, forced or bonded labor, ensuring fair wages and overtime pay, minimum wages, provision of benefits and freedom of association. In particular, EVS ensures that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in its business and its supply chain to meet notably the requirements of the UK Modern Slavery Act. Our general terms and conditions of purchase include specific representations and warranties from our suppliers that they comply with applicable laws, are not involved in modern slavery and comply with our external code of conducts. Suppliers are also receiving surveys on a regular basis where they have to repeat those statements in terms notably of modern slavery. ​

EVS news

Code of Conduct 

Our EVS Code of Conduct provides guidance to our team members to do the right thing the right way in every situation. We updated our EVS Code of Conduct in 2020, in order to reflect our company’s integrity values and offer guidance to help our team members to make the correct decision in every situation even when the right thing to do is not obvious. The Code applies to all directors, officers and employees of EVS, as well as all contractors providing services to EVS worldwide regardless of the position and level of responsibility as per the provision of their contract, but also to all our suppliers and contractors as per our applicable terms. 

500+ of our team members have completed in 2021 an e-learning to bring their knowledge of the EVS Code of Conduct to the next level. This e-learning was  highlighting notably our anti-corruption and anti-bribery policy as per our EVS Code of Conduct, specifically when accepting or offering gifts and entertainment.

EVS Code of Conduct & Data Privacy

At EVS we give utmost importance to the privacy of our customers and their data. To this end, our Data Protection Policy applying to our team members as well as our Privacy Statement and Terms applying to our customers, suppliers and partners clearly explain when and which any personal data is collected, for what purposes and on which legal basis, whether and to which extent the personal data can be shared, how long we keep personal data, how we protect it as well as what measures are in place to update, correct and give access to personal data. EVS is committed to comply with all laws applicable to our business and activities in the various countries where we operate including privacy laws. In particular, we are compliant with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Whistleblower policy

In order to continuously strengthen our ethical commitment and notably in accordance with the Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, EVS has updated its Whistleblowing Policy which is now available on our website (Whistleblowing Policy - Speaking Up Procedure | EVS). Such Whistleblowing Policy provides a secure and confidential channel to allow any person that wishes to do so to speak up should he/she identify a violation of laws, our EVS Code of conduct or any internal policies/procedure. EVS is committed in this context to ensuring that everyone (not only team members but also suppliers, customers and other third parties) feels free to speak up without fear of retaliation, and to investigating any potential instances of misconduct.​


EVS cyber-security services


Driven by digital transformation and the adoption of new work practices, the cyber threat landscape for broadcasters and media content creators is expanding at a rapid pace. Broadcast solutions are increasingly relying on IP networks, inevitably leading to a much wider exposure of vulnerabilities to the outside world. ​

As a leading provider and architect of IP infrastructure solutions for the broadcast industry, EVS takes cyber security very seriously. Serving a growing customer-base of high-profile broadcasters and production companies delivering news and major sporting events worldwide, we are committed to meticulously safeguarding our clients from malicious parties and the disruption that their attacks can unleash. ​

We are building a security-first culture across our business: employing dedicated security experts to assess and prevent threats at a product and workflow level; using the latest security tools, complying with industry standards, best practices, and building a roadmap of solutions secure by design. ​

Sustainable Supply Chain

Management of environmental, social and governance risks in the supply chain (labor practices, human rights, business ethics, energy and climate change and waste management, management of supply chain disruptions and conflict minerals).​

Our EVS terms and conditions of purchase requires our suppliers and supply chain partners to comply with all laws and regulations notably in terms of human rights, labor and anti-slavery practices. In 2021, our main supplier and supply chain partners have had to respond to specific queries and complete a statement specifically sent by EVS in this respect to ensure that we can uphold the principles of sustainable procurement at all times. In addition, EVS ensure that EVS’ supplier adhere to the highest standards of business ethics through the EVS Code of Conduct of Business Partners with which they all have to comply. EVS plans more actions in the coming years in order to analyze better and more proactively the risks in the supply chain