EVS communicates the results of the extraordinary general meeting on June 10, 2024 en / fr
PR - EVS invites its shareholders to an extraordinary general meeting on June 10, 2024 en / fr
Invitation and proxy - en / fr
Explanatory Note by the Board of Directors regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on Warrants - en / fr
Special report of the Auditor on Warrants - fr only

If you wish to attend the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Tuesday May 21, 2024 at 11:00 am by means of videoconference, please send us an email to corpcom@evs.com before Friday May 17, 2024 at 12:00 pm, so that we can grant you access to the meeting. 

Si vous souhaitez assister à l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire des Actionnaires du mardi 21 mai 2024 à 11h par vidéo-conférence, envoyez-nous un email à l’adresse corpcom@evs.com avant le vendredi 17 mai 2024 à 12h, afin que nous vous donnions un accès à l’assemblée.

EVS communicates the results of the Ordinary General Assembly - en / fr
Details of the vote
Minutes of the ordinary general meeting - fr only
Invitation & Proxy - en / fr
Annual Report - en / fr
Sustainability report - en / fr
Corporate Annual Accounts BNB (2023) - fr only
Dividend payment details
Biographies of the proposed Directors
Explanatory Note by the Board of Directors regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on Warrants - en / fr
Special report of the Auditor on Warrants - fr only
Profit sharing plan and draft act of accession - fr only
Answer to questions raised prior to the General Meeting


Invitation and proxy - en / fr
Explanatory Note by the Board of Directors regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on authorised capital - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on Warrants - en / fr
Special report of the Auditor on Warrants - fr only
Minutes of the extraordinary general meeting - fr only

If you wish to attend the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Tuesday May 16, 2023 at 11:00 am by means of videoconference, please send us an email to corpcom@evs.com before Monday May 15, 2023 at 12:00 pm, so that we can grant you access to the meeting. 

Si vous souhaitez assister à l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire des Actionnaires du mardi 16 mai 2023 à 11h par vidéo-conférence, envoyez-nous un email à l’adresse corpcom@evs.com avant le lundi 16 mai 2023 à 12h, afin que nous vous donnions un accès à l’assemblée.

EVS communicates the results of the Ordinary General Assembly - en / fr
Details of the vote
Minutes of the ordinary general meeting - fr only
Invitation & Proxy - en / fr
Annual Report - en / fr
Sustainability report - en / fr
Corporate Annual Accounts BNB (2021) - fr only
Dividend payment details
Remuneration Policy - en / fr
Biographies of the new proposed Directors
Explanatory Note by the Board of Directors regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on authorised capital - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on Warrants - en / fr
Special report of the Auditor on Warrants - fr only
Profit sharing plan and draft act of accession - fr only

Answer to questions raised prior to the General Meeting

Invitation and proxy - en / fr
Explanatory Note by the Board of Directors regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on authorised capital - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on Warrants - en / fr
Special report of the Auditor on Warrants - fr only
Proposal new version of the Articles of Association (compare) - en / fr
Minutes of the extraordinary general meeting - fr only

If you wish to attend the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Tuesday May 17, 2022 at 11:00 am by means of videoconference, please send us an email to corpcom@evs.com before Monday May 16, 2022 at 12:00 pm, so that we can grant you access to the meeting. 

Si vous souhaitez assister à l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire des Actionnaires du mardi 17 mai 2022 à 11h par vidéo-conférence, envoyez-nous un email à l’adresse corpcom@evs.com avant le lundi 16 mai 2022 à 12h, afin que nous vous donnions un accès à l’assemblée.

EVS communicates the results of the Ordinary General Assembly - eng / fr
Invitation & Proxy - en / fr
Annual Report (PDF) -  Download the ZIP files - en / fr
Sustainability report - en / fr
Corporate Annual Accounts BNB (2021) - fr only
Dividend payment details
Remuneration Policy - en / fr
Biographies of the new proposed Directors
Explanatory Note by the Board of Directors regarding the Extraordinary General Meeting - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on authorised capital - en / fr
Special report of the Board of Directors on Warrants - en / fr
Special report of the Auditor on Warrants - fr only
Proposal new version of the Articles of Association (compare) - en / fr
Profit sharing plan and draft act of accession - fr only
Minutes of the ordinary general meeting - fr only
Details of the votes

If you wish to attend the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Tuesday May 18, 2021 at 11:00am by means of videoconference, please send us an email to corpcom@evs.com before Monday May 17, 2021 at 5:00pm, so that we can grant you access to the meeting.

Si vous souhaitez assister à l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire des Actionnaires du mardi 18 mai 2021 à 11h par vidéo-conférence, envoyez-nous un email à l’adresse corpcom@evs.com avant le lundi 17 mai 2021 à 17h, afin que nous vous donnions un accès à l’assemblée.


As the 50% quorum for the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of October 3,2014 was not reached, a new meeting has been convened for November 5, 2014 which, regardless of the capital represented, shall be validly casted.

As the 50% quorum for the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of October 3,2014 was not reached, a new meeting has been convened for November 5, 2014 which, regardless of the capital represented, shall be validly casted.

As the 50% quorum for the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of May 20, 2014 was not reached, a new meeting has been convened for June 20, 2014 which, regardless of the capital represented, shall be validly casted.

As the 50% quorum for the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of August 20, 2013 was not reached, a new meeting has been convened for September 24, 2013 which, regardless of the capital represented, shall be validly casted.

Please note that, if this meeting does not reach the minimum required 50% quorum of the shares, a new meeting will be convened for September 24, 2013, with the same agenda and shall, regardless of the capital represented, be validly casted.

As the 50% quorum for the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of July 30, 2012 was not reached, a new meeting has been convened for August 31, 2012 which, regardless of the capital represented, shall be validly casted.

The company has received a letter from Michel Counson, co-founder and CTO of EVS, owner of 879,906 shares (or 6.5% of EVS shares), asking to add a point to the agenda of the meeting, as permitted by the Belgian law of December 20, 2010. Accordingly, EVS published on August 16, 2012 an amended agenda and the amended proxy forms to be used. All documents hereafter are amended documents.

Please note that this meeting has not reached the minimum required 50% quorum of the shares. Therefore, a new meeting has been convened for Friday, August 31, 2012, with the same agenda and which, regardless of the capital represented, shall be validly casted.

As the 50% quorum for the Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting of November 17, 2011 was not reached, a new meeting had been convened for December 5, 2011 which, regardless of the capital represented, validly casted.