Redundancy in live IP media infrastructures
Rundancy white paper
  • 12 April 2022

Is the concept of ST2022-7 flawed for infrastructure applications?

This white paper covers some of the challenges faced by the broadcast industry about how to address redundancy and remove as many single points of failure as possible in an IP environment.

Focusing on live baseband media applications rather than generic IT infrastructures or compressed media distributing systems, this paper addresses the different challenges, and highlights the different methods to ensure redundancy in the IP domain.

Redundant “red” (main) and “blue” (backup) networks can be found in almost every live production facility. Although a redundant network is designed prevent system downtime caused by issues with switches, it does not prevent black screens or audio silences when faced with issues linked to media processing equipment. In this case, where is the redundant audio and video processing? What will happen
with ST2022 and ST2110 streams when things go south? Is packet loss acceptable? Will a failover switch be visible? These are the kinds of questions we shall try to answer in this paper.