Building B, Crowthorne House, Nine Mile Ride
RG40 3GA
United Kingdom
1 day
This course provides the operator with an operational overview of the XT-VIA Server and the LSM-VIA Remote Control Panel, the basics in the operation of the system in a Sports Replay workflow as well as some advanced options. This training is specifically aimed at experienced replay operators that need to discover the differences between LSM-VIA and the legacy remote (LSM).
Experienced LSM replay operators
Several years of experience working with EVS’ legacy remote (LSM)
Presentation and overview of the system hardware & software (architecture and deployment)
Overview of the LSM-VIA product developments
Presentation of the major differences in terms of features between LSM-VIA and LSM (record train, shotbox, export, programmable shortcuts)
Description of the LSM-VIA Viewer application (clip grid, search interface, playlist panel)
Description of the MultiReview Mode.
Description of the differences between LSM-VIA settings and Multicam Operation settings.
300 EUR