
Training details

  • Product LSM-VIA
  • Category Live Replay & Storytelling

3 days.



Course objectives

This course provides the operator with an operational overview of the XT-VIA Server and the LSM-VIA Remote Control Panel, the basics in the operation of the system in a Sports Replay workflow as well as some advanced options

Target group

Replay operators, editors. This training is specifically aimed at new Replay Operators


Basic multicamera broadcast knowledge recommended

Course content
  • Presentation and overview of the system hardware & software
  • Presentation of the different control modes (PGM/PRV mode, Multi PGM mode)
  • Basic operation of the system using the remote panel and LSM-VIA Viewer screen:
         • Record trains, replay & slomo
         • Clip Management: clip creation, clip numbering hierarchy, recall, shotbox, searching, managing and editing clips, exporting clips
         • Playlist Management: playlist numbering hierarchy, playlist interfaces, playlist creation, managing and editing playlists (basic operations), exporting playlists
  • Detailed description of Network operations: accessing network servers, network record trains, pushing clips to network servers
  • Description of the Multireview Mode
  • Description of the Setup menu and operational parameters. Viewing and managing notifications
  • Practical exercises on the different subject
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