
Browse our animated and interactive introduction tutorials, to get to know the basics of the LSM remote

Find and playback media

  • How to freeze on cue point

    Learn how to use the Mark key and make the video freeze

  • How to browse between cue points

    Learn different ways to browse your Cue Points and how to delete them

  • How to loop a clip

    Learn how to loop a clip in three different ways

  • How to use the return function

    Learn how to return on a specific Time Code to the live Record Train from within a clip

  • How to use PGM Speed and VAR Max Mode

    Learn how to replay at a fixed speed by using PGM Speed or Var Max Mode

Clip & keywords management

  • How to delete multiple clips in one instance

    Learn how to delete multiple clips in one instance or learn how to protect your clips

  • How to change preferred camera angle

    Learn more about Camera Preference Mode and how to change it

  • How to copy only one cam angle

    Learn how you can copy or move a single camera angle

  • How to use call channel VGA function

    Learn how to call clips from the VGA screen on your different outputs

  • How to create and import keywords

    Learn how easy it is to create a keyword file, import it on the server and how to use Keywords during your production

  • How to use the search function

    Learn how easy it is to search for clips on local and even distance servers within your XNet Network

  • How to use the archive function

    Learn how you can export clips by using the Archive Function on the LSM Remote* *Note: XFile3 is needed in this setup

Playlist & timeline management

  • How to navigate and move elements in a playlist

    Learn how to browse fast through your playlist and how to quickly move an element in your playlist

  • How to use the hidden secondary playlist menu

    Learn how to access the secondary menu in Playlist Edit Mode and discover functions as Add Cut, Other Angle, Replace and Make Local

  • How to add and delete an aux clip

    Learn how to add music over your playlist

  • How to swap audio

    Learn how to Swap Audio Tracks by using only the LSM Remote

  • How to use advanced audio editing

    Learn how to split, delay or advance your audio

  • How to create a timeline

    Learn how to convert a Playlist into a Timeline or how to create a Timeline from scratch

  • How to edit a timeline

    Learn how to edit a Timeline

Network operations

  • How to define default destinations

    Learn how to define a default destination and push clips even faster over the XNet

  • How to map destinations

    Learn how to map your favorite destination server and get even faster in transferring your clips over the network

Settings management and control modes

  • How to lock your remote

    Learn how to lock your remote

  • How to browse your operational setup menu

    Learn three different ways to browse even faster through your Operational Setup Menu

  • What are control modes PGM/PRV and multi-PGM mode

    Learn how to create a string of replays in PGM/PRV Mode and learn how to Control Multiple Outputs with one single LSM Remote in Multi-PGM Mode

  • How to split your screen

    Learn how to create a Split Screen with your LSM Remote