
Training details

  • Product LSM-GO
  • Category Live Replay & Storytelling

1/2 day


English (other languages on request)

Course objectives

This course provides the LSM-VIA operator with a complete system overview of XtraMotion and a detailed 
description of its operations. It also provides some best practices for Lead EVS Operators, EVS Guarantees and engineers how to create an XtraMotion target in VIA Xsquare.

Target group

LSM-VIA Ops, EVS Guarantee Operators, Lead EVS Operators, Broadcast Engineers willing to gain more insights in the XtraMotion workflow


Basic LSM-VIA and basic VIA Xsquare knowledge is recommended

Course content
  • Presentation of XtraMotion: Introduction, how it works and more information about the AI based Algorithm.
  • Description of the “on premise” / “cloud” infrastructure and the technical requirements.
  • Best practices on how to configure XtraMotion (“on premise” and “cloud”) targets on VIA Xsquare and LSM-VIA.
  • Overview of the operational workflow and description of the creation and monitoring possibilities for XtraMotion clips.
  • Practical exercises on different topics
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